so by now most of us have seen the 2022
leaked GTA 6 footage but it’s got a lot
of people worried and that’s for no good
reason at all in 2022 the game was in
something called pre-alpha and to show
you how different GTA 6 will actually
look in the final game we’re going to
take a look at GTA 5’s pre-alpha world
and go through what we can expect for
GTA 6 quick side note I’m using a
different microphone today let me know
in the comments down below how it sounds
so to start off we need to go back to
2010 when development of GTA 5 was in
full swing and we’ll get to GTA 6 later
in the video it’s important to remember
here that they were trying to squeeze
the game into a PlayStation 3 and Xbox
360 to this day the math still doesn’t
work out and how that was even possible
so this basically means that the game
was being developed on more advanced
Hardware than the general public even
had access to the Xbox 360 and the PS3
just simply couldn’t Ru the game the way
that Rockstar intended for us to play it
and this is really evident in all of the
pre-alpha images that we had for GTA 5
for example in a lot of these pre-alpha
shots one of the biggest things that
they scaled back on was foliage and
vegetation in the pre-alpha shots the
foliage is far more pronounced but in
the final game they decided to strip it
back to Simply being textures due to the
limitations of the hardware at the time
and in shots such as this they entirely
remov plants from around the building
now even now 11 and 1/2 years on from
the release of GTA 5 we still don’t know
too much about what was originally
planned to be in the game but we do have
some Clues we have things such as
refueling and additional missions as
well as certain locations in the map
which would drastically Chang for the
final release of the game and once again
this mainly comes down to console
limitations at the time not only did
they have to put all of this on a disc
but they had to put it on consoles that
were far behind where the computer tech
was at the time now during the
development of GTA 5 they actually used
different mini map and this is something
that we would expect for GTA 6 also in
fact the mini map can be changed
throughout any point in the process and
I’m really Keen to see what they do with
GTA 6 there’s been a few different
theories but if you want me to do a
separate video on the mini map theories
let me know down below we also had
different pause menus so like in Red
Dead Redemption 2 when you pause the
game there’s a certain feel and theme to
it with GTA 5 originally they were going
to have different locations from around
Los Santos depending where you were in
the map to be referenced in those paw
screens now I think that this would have
actually been really awesome and I
really wish that they brought this back
looking at some of these different porw
screen options that they had these are
awesome and if you see this Rockstar
please add it back these are so cool now
the mini map and pause menu weren’t the
only things that we saw variations of
either we also had variations of the
weapon wheel and the radio station now
of course this looks a little bit closer
to what we actually received in the game
but in the 2022 GTA 6 leaks we can
expect that to probably be changed over
time this particular screenshot of the
weapon wheel that we got in GTA 5 was
during late development we can also also
see some variation in the map itself now
this was an early development debug map
and of course with GTA 6 it will
probably be the same thing although we
haven’t actually seen a debug map for
GTA 6 yet now this brings us forward to
present day and GTA 6 Now by looking at
the GTA 6 trailer we can ask the same
questions how on Earth are they going to
squeeze this into a PS5 and more
particularly the Xbox series s well it
comes down to optimization but also a
very human decision now different games
developers will prioritize different
things many games developers will
prioritize frame rates over Graphics
Fidelity and that’s why games like
population one on VR headsets are really
stripped back to very very basic
Aesthetics but to make sure the game
runs smoothly on that particular
Hardware now when it comes to GTA 6 the
same thing will apply but of course all
at Rockstar’s discretion looking at
Rockstar’s previous titles and Red Dead
Redemption 2 was a great example of this
they’ll always prioritize graphics over
frame rates but looking at GTA 5 the
approach was slightly different they
went for high quality textures over many
different objects for example we can see
that although they removed a lot of the
foliage what they replaced it with were
really good quality textures colors and
a quite nice Balan looking image now a
big scene in the GTA 6 trailer that has
raised a lot of questions is this scene
with all of the NPCs on the beach now in
my opinion I do think that we’ll be able
to see something similar to this in the
game but the question has been raised by
not just digital Foundry but many people
online how is this going to be possible
on the current Hardware we have and the
truth is something will’ll have to give
it some point now whilst all of these
scenes in the trailer we can assume were
made in engine as that’s how Rockstar
have always done their trailers they do
optimize the engine and optimize the
system that they’re running these scenes
on to be more fluid on playback for
example in this beach scene they
probably would have turned off the rest
of the map and stop things spawning in
past a certain distance this is to fully
optimize the draw distance of this scene
but also to optimize all of the
activities that take place in the scene
itself now with all of this being said
we’re probably only a couple of years
away from the next generation of Xbox
and the next generation of PlayStation
of course we’ve got the PS5 Pro but
potentially we could be getting a
PlayStation 6 in the next couple of
years so this probably means that
Rockstar’s core Focus for GTA 6 won’t be
about what it’s going to look like at
release but more what they can do over
the next 10 years to enhance and expand
the game with GTA 5 there wasn’t that
much emphasis on future proofing the
game because in their mind the game
wasn’t going to last as long as it did
last in fact GTA online is the only
reason that it’s actually continued to
last for so long now going back to the
2022 leaks a lot of people were quite
worried by the aesthetic of the game and
it’s very important to point out that
pre-alpha footage massively lacks in
lighting textures objects and of course
functionality pre-alpha games always
look rubbish and that’s why developers
like Rockstar don’t want their pre Alpha
is leaking because whilst the majority
of people understand that that’s not
what the final game looks like when you
think about GTA 6 and the behind the
scenes other than the trailer the only
reference point you have are those leaks
and those leaks themselves don’t fill a
lot of people with confidence of this
big bright vibrant World especially when
the lighting in it was limited the
textures were of course completely
stripped back and a lot of the footage
was just test footage now when it comes
to the actual release of GTA 6 I assume
that we’re going to be seeing probably a
1 to 2% pullback from the trailer in
terms of functionality but when it comes
to Graphics I do think the game will
look better on consoles particularly the
PS5 Pro and the main reason I say that
is cuz if we go back to GTA 5 the game
looked far better than it did in the
trailers whilst we had quite a few
scenes in the trailers that didn’t make
it into the game the actual final
aesthetic of the game was Far cleaner
than what we had seen in the trailers
and of course over time we’ve got
graphics enhancements to GTA 5 also and
it can be said that the same will
probably happen with GTA 6 now when it
comes to trailer 2 trailer 3 trailer 4 a
Gameplay trailer whatever we might
receive next we’re going to see
something slightly closer to what we’re
going to expect to see in the game as we
get closer to the release of the game
the map is more finalized the textures
and locations are more finalized and the
vehicles and everything else is closest
to being as it will be on the release of
the game the further away the trailer is
from the release of the game the more we
have to take that trailer with a pinch
of salt so I’m expecting that when we
actually get the release of GTA 6 we’ll
probably be able to look back back at
these trailers and see what was pulled
out of the game now this of course
brings me on to a big point which a lot
of people have been bringing up which is
about the Xbox series S I think the
biggest thing that Rockstar will pull
back on with a series s maybe things
like frame rates Graphics Fidelity and
potentially things like the amount of
NPCs that can spawn in locations however
this could potentially present an
advantage for those players so I think
Rockstar will probably find a way to
balance everything in the middle however
with all of that being said in the past
Rockstar have never done anything to
give one console an advantage over the
other they want the games to be as
playable in their full capacity on every
console they released on so this may
lend some weight to the theory that
Rockstar might throttle the game on the
PS5 Pro to bring it back down to the
same levels as consoles such as the Xbox
series s but once again that is purely
speculation so we will have to wait to
see when the game finally comes out so
thank you for watching today’s video if
you did enjoy please make sure to like
And subscribe and I’ll see you all in
the next one
this is the best
of this
Watch the video here: