the Vice City nextg Edition was released
recently even though take 2 tried to
stop it and the community has already
gone wild with mods and enhancements so
let’s see just how much we can improve
it first up the 80s vehicle pack by
benz’s mods this guy made an entire GTA
forums thread dedicated to improving the
mod and this pack is one of the best
additions so far it replaces almost
every vehicle in Vice City with HD era
models keeping everything lore friendly
while making it look way better than the
vanilla cars what makes this pack even
better is is that the cars are well
optimized while the exteriors are high
quality the Interiors are low poly
meaning it should work fine for everyone
not just those with high-end PCS that
doesn’t mean it’s perfect though if
you’ve ever modded GTA 4 you probably
know about its memory issues this engine
hates replacing models and textures with
higher quality versions that leads to
annoying problems like the infamous taxi
bug where almost all cars in traffic
become taxis or map textures failing to
load thankfully this pack includes four
tweaker a limit adjuster utility that
lets you set max memory usage for
pedestrian and vehicle models and fix
other common issues with all that the
pack works perfectly and I’m not going
to lie it looks way better than the
original vehicles I respect that
Revolution team wanted to keep things as
close to the original game as possible
and they did a great job using the
highest quality models of the vanilla
vehicles but with this pack the game
actually feels like a next gen
remake it’s worth noting though that the
80s vehicle pack only replaces the model
so it doesn’t touch any of the handling
data so everything still drives the way
rev team originally intended and while I
do like GTA 4’s driving physics there’s
definitely room for improvement that’s
where the better handling mod by the
flash comes in this mod reworks the
handling for all cars and bikes tweaking
things like speed braking center of
gravity suspension and wheel traction
simply put Vehicles feel much more
responsive compared to the heavy
boatlike physics GTA 4 is known for for
anyone who finds fours handling too slug
this mod is a huge Improvement cars turn
quicker react faster and overall feel
more precise in some cases though it
might be a little too responsive for
example the comet now grips the road
like it’s glued to it which doesn’t feel
quite right on top of that all vehicles
are noticeably faster which has both
advantages and downsides on one hand
exploring Vice City feels much smoother
driving between missions is quicker
making the game play less frustrating
especially in a full walkthrough at the
same time the city’s small map feels
even smaller with these speed boosts and
high-speed driving can cause streaming
issues I’ve already seen palm trees
suddenly loading in when going too fast
but for anyone used to GTA 5S handling
this mod makes Vice City NextGen feel
much more familiar fors physics are
great once you get used to them but they
take a lot of practice to master this
mod Smooths that out and makes the
driving far more
accessible now with vehicles and
handling replac there’s still one big
problem with GTA 4’s Driving Experience
the camera the way GTA 4’s Chase camera
Works can be frustrating especially
during sharp turns when it struggles to
catch up with the car unless you’re
constantly adjusting it manually with
the mouse or using the right analog
stick it often fails to keep up making
it hard to see what’s ahead of course
there’s a fix for that too centered car
camera by Julio NAB this mod was
released over 10 years ago which is
crazy but it still holds up today it
tweaks the third person car camera to
keep it more centered instead of letting
it lag behind similar to GTA 5 with this
mod installed driving feels way smoother
and you can completely forget about
manually adjusting the camera no need to
keep dragging the mouse or tilting the
analog stick on every turn it even comes
with a simple menu that can be opened
with the insert key allowing to disable
the mod or tweak camera values to match
your preference with this mod the camera
is much more responsive but it’s not
perfect there are a few issues that I
noticed while testing it first the
camera can be a little G if the game
runs above 60 FPS my game was running at
around 100 frames and you can probably
see some small Jitters here and there
but the fix for that was simple I just
locked the game at 60 using the ENB
series menu another issue is that it
gets a little messy when the car is
airborn the camera movement feels a bit
unnatural but it’s not a deal breaker
the biggest issue for me though is that
it completely disables motion blur while
driving I know a lot of people hate
motion blur and prefer playing without
it so for some of you this might
actually be a good thing but I
personally like the sense of speed that
motion blur gives and without it the
game feels more static before going any
further there’s one important thing to
mention if you’re planning to install
all these Mods make sure to install all
direct X9 versions and visual
redistributable runtimes without them my
game refused to launch with scrip
GTA 4 a first-person camera not going to
lie this mod looks incredible when
exploring on foot walking through Vice
City in first person completely changes
the feel of the game making it more
immersive than ever shootouts in first
person also look great but there’s one
small issue lowquality player and weapon
models become way more noticeable it’s
not a deal breaker but for some players
it might be distracting driving in first
person is not the best idea though the
vehicle Interiors are extremely low
quality and seeing them up close kind of
ruins the illusion it honest ly looks
pretty funny at times on top of that it
doesn’t always play nice with the
centered car camera script causing some
weird glitches here and there but
outside of vehicles firstperson mode
feels surprisingly great it’s a fresh
way to experience Vice City and I’m
definitely going to play around with it
more and the enhancements don’t stop
there next up is Health regeneration by
hippie communist a mod that’s basically
a relic from the Past released all the
way back in 2011 but it fits perfectly
into Vice City next gen edition let’s be
honest some missions in this game can be
bit too brutal I’ve failed plenty of
them just because I ran out of Health I
mean sure there are working restaurants
like Pizza Hut where you can go inside
and fully restore your health but let’s
be real I’m not running to a restaurant
in the middle of a shootout that’s where
this mod comes in clutch it
automatically restores a set amount of
Health after a short delay making
missions way more forgiving you can even
customize the max Health it regenerates
and adjust the delay to match your
preference and as you can see it works
exactly as expected after getting
heavily injured my health gradually
recovered over time just like in modern
GTA games now let’s upgrade Tommy
himself the HD customizable Tommy Plus
HD lore accurate Weaponry mod by
Turnpike completely overhauls the player
model with higher quality textures
better proportions and more
customization than ever before Tommy now
has access to a ton of different
clothing options tops bottoms shoes and
even miscellaneous gear unlike the
original model and nextg Edition every
outfit is now interchangeable with
several texture variations to choose
from all the classic Vice City outfits
have been recre created in HD keeping
everything lore friendly while making it
look way sharper than before Turnpike
also reverted to vanilla GTA 4
animations fixing weapon placement
issues so guns actually fit in Tommy’s
hands correctly the mod also includes
The Ballad of Gay Tony style Uzi
animations so Tommy now holds the tech 9
properly with both hands the mod even
tweaks weapon stats with a modified
weapon info file adjusting magazine
sizes to match their real life
counterparts tweaking rate of fire and
making minor balance changes to damage
and the best part part is that Turnpike
is still working on updates he’s
currently recreating Vice City’s
original animations for standing running
and Firearm Idols so we’ll likely see
even more improvements soon now here’s
another game changer the time cycle mod
for those who don’t know time cycle is a
crucial file in GTA games that controls
lighting Shadows colors and overall
atmosphere next gen Edition already did
a great job with its Default Time cycle
especially considering it’s all running
on GTA 4’s 17-year-old rage engine the
lighting looks impressive and the colors
capture the Vice City Vibe perfectly but
having more options is always nice and
that’s where dl’s 3D era colors time
cycle comes in this mod brings back the
lighting style of the original 2002 Vice
City making the game look even closer to
the classic version the difference
between dl’s time cycle and the default
next gen Edition one is huge as you can
see in this comparison both versions
look great but personally I prefer
Dale’s version since it enhances the
overall atmosphere in a way that just
feels right another great addition is is
taxi reborn in nextg Edition the taxi
feature was completely removed but this
script brings it back now you can once
again hail a taxi and have a driver take
you to your
destination hey
yo the only catch is that the AI driving
is absolutely ridiculous the Taxi Driver
makes the most irrational turns possible
but somehow you’ll almost always make it
to your destination in one piece if you
don’t feel like watching the chaos
unfold there’s an option to skip the
ride entirely but don’t expect a free
ride if you don’t have enough money to
cover the trip there might be
consequences another mod adds what I
think is a much needed Improvement
Sprint inside Interiors as the name
suggests this mod finally allows you to
Sprint indoors when I first started
playing next gen Edition it was pretty
annoying having to slowly jog through
Interiors walk walking into the ocean
view hotel and taking forever just to
reach Tommy’s room upstairs was
frustrating now that’s no longer an
issue with this mod moving through
Interiors is much faster so there’s no
more wasting time on slow movement
inside buildings while running around
the map I noticed something felt off the
lack of pedestrian variety at one point
near the lighthouse I ran past at least
10 identical female NPCs in a red
swimsuit and they all had red hair this
is actually the same issue that the
original Vice City had where certain
pedestrian models would spawn in groups
making the streets feel repetitive in
the original game a modern named rrt 94
fixed this problem with a mod called ped
variety now guy named Nelson Has ported
this mod to nextg Edition and the
difference is immediately noticeable in
that same Lighthouse area there’s now a
much bigger variety of NPCs I still saw
two girls in red swimsuits but this time
they had different hair colors and
that’s how the mod Works instead of just
cloning NPCs it randomizes details like
hat colors shirt textures and other
small elements making the streets feel
way more alive what’s even better is
that it barely affects performance the
mod is almost the same file size as the
original so there’s no FPS drop or extra
load on memory so for me this is a
musthave if you’re playing next gen
Edition another brilliant Improvement
comes from Dale again who created a mod
called mini project lights this mod
fixes and enhances various light sources
from the original making lighting look
smoother and more realistic as you can
see in these comparison shots the
original lights had harsh sharp edged
Shadows which didn’t look quite right
with this mod the lighting is much
softer and more natural it comes with
multiple color options letting you
choose between default green orange and
white and I went with orange since it
fits the 80s atmosphere the best I also
checked out Vice Port one of the
locations shown in the comparison images
and the difference is immediately
noticeable the lights look much smoother
and the overall Ambiance feels better
since I picked the orange option which
is pretty close to the original just
slightly warmer the change isn’t massive
but I like it as it is if you pref prer
colder toned lighting you can always
switch to a whit or Green version to
match your preference there’s also a mod
that restores the classic Vice City HUD
but for some reason my game refused to
launch with it so I took that as a sign
that we should stick with the next gen
HUD but with a few improvements first up
Classic HD weapon icons I went with the
gradient background version but there
are a few other options like beta
gradients no gradients or Standalone
icons if you prefer a different style
next I added the font fix mod which
brings back the classic rage italic and
price down fonts from the original game
the next piece of the puzzle is classic
Vice City weapon sounds check it
out the mod isn’t perfect yet and we’ll
probably need some updates but even in
its current state the classic sounds fit
the game much better even though this is
a nextg Edition there’s just something
about the original gun sounds that makes
it feel more authentic so there you have
it the next gen edition of The Next Gen
Edition I think this selection of mods
worked out really well and everything
still fits the Vice City Vibe perfectly
the only thing I can’t decide on yet is
whether to keep the centered camera mod
or not so let me know what you think
looking at how fast modders are
releasing new content for Vice City next
gen Edition there’s a good chance I’ll
be making a follow-up video soon with
even more mods and improvements let me
know if that’s something you’d like to
see and drop a comment with any other
musthave mods that would make this
experience even better and that’s it for
today thanks for watching till the end
and I’ll see you in the next one
Watch the video here: