right guys so where are we at with GTA 6
News what’s happened what’s going on and
more to the point what’s not going on
and what hasn’t happened now I do need
to say everything in this video is just
my opinion there are some facts in here
there are some things I’m basing my
opinion off but I’m not a rockstar
Insider and Rockstar haven’t told me
Jack so in November the prediction for
trailer 2 was that we’ receive it at
some point maybe in February then of
course in December we had the whole 27
Theory stuff let’s very quickly gloss
over that so of course I said in a
recent video that if we’re using the
rule of aam’s Razer which is basically
the thing that requires the least of
amount of assumptions tends to be the
thing that’s true February would make
sense take to interactive zonning call
we had an announcement from Rockstar
Games for the take to interactive zoning
scool it all kind of makes a lot of
sense but also something that I didn’t
even realize is that every single
previous Rockstar Games title has had
its finalized release date announced in
a January or February but everything
I’ve just said is based on previous
Rockstar Behavior something that I’m
starting to learn and something that
we’re starting to see more of now is
Rockstar’s recent Behavior tends not to
matter so much I mean don’t get me wrong
it’s all we have to go off cuz we’re
getting nothing from Rockstar but with
it being so long since their last game 6
years nearly seven years since Red Dead
Redemption 2 we’re now getting further
and further away from the traditional
rockar that we knew the their release
Cycles their marketing the fact that
they’ve grown sixfold as a business in
the past decade it’s really hard to
predict what Rockstar are going to do
now of course with the last trailer
there were some predictions there were
some rumors going around and we were
pretty spot on but also as a community
we were wrong multiple times before we
got to the right day so when it comes to
trailer 2 we can throw guesses out there
but we really do not know now this
brings me on to the next topic which is
delay I see a lot of people all over
social media talking with a lot of
confidence saying GTA 6 won’t be delayed
or on the other side GTA 6 is delayed
yes and no and no and yes let me explain
in the best way I can every single other
game from Rockstar has been delayed but
like I’ve just said we can’t necessarily
judge everything they’ve done in the
past and extrapolate that to the Future
cuz we just don’t know however that
being said GTA 6 has technically already
been delayed twice internally and did a
whole video about that which you can
watch after that’ll be the pinned
comment I think the big problem with GTA
6 as a thing as a business as a as a
product it’s too big it’s so big that
they’re not going to know if it’s on
track until maybe a month or two months
prior to its release a good example is
if they take that game to the ESRB or
the Peggy ratings board obviously in the
US they’re going to try and aim for a
mature rating and in the UK they’re
probably going to try and aim from
somewhere between a 16 to an 18 but if
the ESRB or the Peggy ratings board goes
back to Rockstar and says to them you’ve
got to remove this Mission from the the
game or you’ve got to remove this
feature of functionality set from the
game because we won’t be able to give
you a mature rating or an 18 rating with
that content in the game Rockstar will
have to go back and remove it cuz they
can’t afford especially in the US to get
an adults only rating now we need to
talk about what that actually means you
can’t just delete a mission from a game
that might have knock on effects to the
story that might overly complicate The
Narrative of the story the way the story
ends or different arcs of the story or
side missions the strangers and freaks
missions that sit around the main story
line a last minute below from ESRB that
could knock the game back months if not
6 months or more and with a game that’s
as expansive as GTA 6 little bits of
detail like that can have knock on
effects for example during the testing
of the game they may try to run certain
features and functionality sets on
current gen consoles and realize that
maybe it affects the game too much maybe
it makes it a little bit too buggy maybe
it doesn’t work as fluidly as they’d
like that may require whole parts of the
game engine being entirely re work now
these are just examples and like I said
I’m not an Insider at Rockstar but this
is generally very generally speaking how
this sort of stuff works so when it
comes to the potential for a delay it
doesn’t really matter what we think now
because it can and usually does change
now with all of this being said I still
think the game will probably be pushed
to 2026 main reason I say this is It’s
Rockstar that’s the only reason I’m
saying that but I don’t think that we’ll
know of a delay until maybe even 6
months from now now the big response I
usually get to this is well take to
interactive said that the game’s on
track for full 2025 and you know what
else was on track Red Dead Redemption 2
until 6 weeks later after the earnings
SC Rockstar announced it was delayed now
take to interactive said that GTA 6 was
on track nearly 6 months ago in the past
6 months a lot could have changed more
to the point Rockstar could announce a
delay after take to interactive earning
School the day after the day of we just
don’t know and the reason why this is
important is the argument of Tak to
interactive can’t lie to their investors
is brought up a lot but the thing is is
when they’re saying they believe it’s on
track they’re not lying certain reasons
for a delay are Beyond Rockstar’s
control they’re beyond take to
interactive’s control truthfully take to
interactive won’t know the game is
delayed until Rockstar say to them we’re
probably going to have to delay this
game which normally is a big amount of
pressure for a game’s developer like
Rockstar so it’s not a decision that’s
made lightly and so many different
factors and considerations are taken
into account before Rockstar actually
announced a delay now when other the
news we had this trailer now this looks
like a trailer that we’ve all seen
before and this is something that I’ve
covered for the past two days on the
channel but there’s a website called
Billy Billy which is basically the
Chinese version of YouTube it’s
absolutely huge in China like YouTube is
irrelevant compared to this in China and
Rockstar Games on their official account
when the trailer was released last year
they posted the same trailer that they
posted on YouTube however the difference
being is that YouTube’s compression
algorithm is absolutely brutal and this
is something that I’ve noticed in my own
videos a lot of my videos where I’m on
camera are uploaded in 4k from a $4,000
camera and lens and they end up looking
absolutely awful however on Billy Billy
for those premium users that use it you
get the full unlocked bit rate for the
original video so this has now led to us
being able to go over to the website
Billy Billy and watch a full bit rate
version of the GTA 6 trailer and if you
want to check out my last video I do a
full sidebyside comparison cropped in
obviously YouTube doesn’t compress it
too much where you can actually see the
D detail differences in these trailers
and it’s absolutely insane now I have
noticed over the past 24 hours there’s
loads of accounts on X Twitter whatever
you want to call it saying that there’s
a 10 times the resolution size file out
there um just to be clear if you come
across the 10x resolution one it is fake
all it is is this video run through
topaz AI which basically sharpens the
video up a little bit adds a bit of
contrast no new information is being
added but the pixels are being
interpreted by Ai and doubling the
amount of pixels per frame it doesn’t
look any better it’s just smoother but
the one on Billy Billy’s Website is
official now whilst we’re talking about
the latest situations at rockstar I
thought I’d share something quite funny
so some employees at Rockstar are
choosing to sell their Rockstar
Christmas gifts online the merchandise
and some of these sweatshirts which if
they were sold on Rockstar’s website
would probably cost about £60 or like
$80 or something like that they’re now
at auction on eBay and going for up to
a, or a couple of thousand which I think
is very interesting cuz I’m not 90% sure
at some point in the near future this
Rockstar gamees merch will probably just
end up on Rockstar store anyway the
internet is crazy so hopefully that’s a
very quick and concise wrap up of where
everything’s at at the moment in the GTA
space what we can expect moving forward
and of course if anything changes I’ll
let you all know thank you so much for
watching today’s video and I’ll see you
all in the next one
Watch the video here: