GTA 6 (EARLY FALL 2025) (Ywz0s9lpAEA)


we’ve got some great news to talk about
coming from take two interactives
earnings call about Grand Theft Auto 6
and how things are still on track to
release later this year we’ll be talking
about everything discussed on the call
as well as interviews that were done by
CEO Strauss zelnick and questions that
came in from people like us at the very
end of the call so let’s start with the
best news of the entire call and that is
that grand theft a 6 is still scheduled
for fall
2025 that did not change as we got
longer Silence from Rockstar Games over
14 months since we’ve heard from them
obviously a lot of people were
anticipating the worst that take to
interactive might actually change what
we see on their earnings report it still
says fall of calendar 2025 and that is
great news now it hasn’t changed and we
haven’t gotten an update from Rockstar
Games but at the end of the day it’s
still on track and this is going to get
better as we dive into what take two
interactive CEO straw selnick actually
said on the call himself so this is what
he said looking ahead this calendar year
is shaping up to be one of the strongest
ever for Take 2 as sidm civilization 7
launches in Early Access today with the
official launch on February 11th and we
also plan to release Mafia the old
country in the summer Grand Theft Auto 6
in the fall and Borderlands 4 before end
of the year we are exceedingly
optimistic about the commercial
potential of our titles and believe that
they will have a trans transformative
effect on the business and our industry
over the long term as we execute on our
mission to create our industry’s most
Innovative and engaging entertainment
experiences we remain highly confident
that we will achieve sequential
increases in and record levels of net
bookings in physical 26 and physical 27
and that last part is huge but we’ve
still got some more to talk about and
that first point is it now seems like
Grand Theft Auto 6 will be releasing an
almost early fall 2025 because they sort
of laid out the entirety of the rest of
the year we know that Mafia the old
country is going to be coming out in
summer Grand Theft Auto 6 in fall and
Borderlands 4 before the end of the year
that means they’ve got to get three
games out in essentially half a year and
I would imagine they want to spread them
out accordingly so this year fall 2025
is going to go from Monday September
22nd to Sunday December 21st those are
technically the dat in which Grand Theft
Auto 6 could come out in however
according to take two interactive
Borderlands 4 is set to come out at the
end of the year Well December 21st is
still technically fall but it’s also 10
days from the end of the year so you’re
seeing what I’m saying here is it’s
probably going to be closer to that
September or October timeline so that
then Borderlands 4 could come out in
either November or December so I do
think if this holds that really does
clarify the I would argue almost month
and a half time period in which we would
see GTA 6 come out in and that aligns
with when Rockstar released Grand Theft
Auto 5 uh sort of in mid-september and
what they did with Red Dead Redemption 2
in mid October they really like to
release during that time period now we
also heard from take to interactive CEO
St zelnick who did several interviews
with various media Outlets as their
earnings call came out he did this one
with IGN where he gave us some really
good news the article says speaking to
IGN ahead of the release of its
financial report T2 CEO said that while
there’s quote always a risk of slippage
the company feels really good about it
fall 2025 and that GTA 6 is still on
track for its announced release window
going on to say look there’s always a
risk of slippage and I think as soon as
you say words like absolutely you jinx
things zelnick responded when IGN asked
how confident he was that Rockstar will
hit fall of 2025 for GTA 6 going on to
say we feel really good about it and
when asked for an update on development
on how GTA 6 is going zelet kept his
cards close to his chest saying look I
think the game is eagerly anticipated
both internally and externally we know
that Rockstar seeks Perfection and I
never claim success before it occurs I’m
fond of saying arrogance is the enemy of
continued success so we’re all running
around scared and looking over our
shoulders and we know that the
competition is not asleep our
organization is super excited now stra
Sonic also did an interview with they asked him take
two has a diverse portfolio this year
could you speak about the balance
between more annualized properties and
the space you give creative teams for
more long-term projects and at the very
end he talks about Grand Theft AO 6
going on to say to create anticipation
to create desire if you know something
that’s coming like clockwork every year
I think it’s harder to create that
anticipation and desire we’re seeing
that extraordinary anticipation with
regard to GTA 6 so when we get it right
we have a year like the next calendar
year this calendar year shaping up to be
where we have beloved franchises
bringing back iterations that do take
years sometimes many years to create and
also having annualized portfolio and
then when you layer on top of that our
catalog our live services our mobile
business we feel like we’re in a pretty
good place and I’m reading you all this
to just honestly show you the confidence
that stra selik seemingly has in this
year but also kind of giving Rockstar a
little bit of a benefit of the doubt
with the fact that they want to create
anticipation which they’re certainly
doing with GTA 6 but also knowing that
some of these blood franchises Take
Years many years to create now he was
asked specifically about Grand Theft
Auto 6 going on to say a lot of people
are relieved to see GTA 6 is still on
track for a fall 2025 release is there
anything you want to say about it at
this point and gossip or worries that
you want to nip in the butt and he said
I haven’t heard any any sort of Gossip
or worries I think to the contrary I’ve
heard a lot of enthusiasm and as I like
to say we never claim success before we
have it we all run scared as an
organization we just do we’re looking
over our shoulders at our competition
they’re not asleep they’re not waiting
for us to do something although I think
they are a lot of people are genuinely
waiting to know when GTA 6 is coming out
uh so that they can not have their game
released at the same time but it goes on
to say we have a mission that we take
really seriously to create the best
Entertainment Properties on Earth of any
typee and rockstar I think embodies that
missions but Folks at Rockstar would say
the same thing which is we’re doing the
very best we can we’ll wait we’ll see
and the results will speak for
themselves again I’m telling you this
because it kind of asses a different
confidence this time around than just
the normal Strauss zelet kind of speak
regarding his upcoming titles and last
but not least as far as the interviews
go he was also interviewed on Venture
beat where he was specifically asked
about reassurances of games like Mafia
the old country and Grand Theft Auto 6
and he went on to say it’s always
possible in our business however we’ve
given the narrow window for upcoming
titles after all it is February and
we’ve outlined the release schedule
throughout the calendar year end so kind
of an interesting response there but
again kind of doubling down on the
things he said in previous interviews
now on the earnings call itself we also
heard straw selnik answer some questions
from individuals that were calling in
this one directly about Grand Theft Auto
6 from Omar duski saying so glad to see
GTA 6 reaffirmed for fall 2025 I wanted
to ask just how much of the total number
of fans have ever touched GTA and have a
brand awareness of GTA could be
potentially reactivated once GTA 6
launches the second part of his question
is sort of telling a story saying how
you could have people that grew up
playing GTA now have sons that they
might be playing grand left Auto with
it’s an interesting question and so
Strauss Sonic responded by saying I
appreciate the question and sort of the
sentiment underlying the question it
sort of falls into the category of how
high is up and I decline to ever predict
that we believe that arrogance is the
enemy of continued success we run scared
we’re looking over our shoulder our
competitors are not asleep and so what
do we do about that we try to be the
most creative most Innovative and the
most efficient company in the
entertainment industry and Rockstar
Games in particular seeks perfection
ction in everything they do and we
believe that if we do that right and we
focus on delivering for consumers that’s
our best opportunity to succeed going on
to say with regard to the upcoming
release of GTA 6 obviously this is a
console release and we know what the
current console installed base looks
like so there’s the broad Universe of
console owners to look at and that is
something to be mindful of at the same
time we don’t spend a lot of time sort
of looking at attach rates which is
basically the question you’re posing
because I think that’ll take care of
itself if we do a great job so
essentially he goes on to say that if
Grand Theft out of 6 is the game we all
think it’s going to be he’s not worried
about who has a console who does who
doesn’t what system they play on if it’s
there and it’s good enough people will
get the tools or the devices needed to
actually play the game and I think again
he kind of shows confidence in doubling
down on GTA 6 still remaining in Fall
2025 and then at the very end of the
call he again sort of wraps everything
up in a nice bow uh talking about how
confident he is in the next years so he
goes on to say thank you for attending
we had a solid quarter for which we are
very grateful and we have what we
believe is an extraordinary release
schedule throughout the rest of the year
and of course our expectations are very
Rosy indeed for fiscal 26 and 27 where
we expect sequential increases in net
booking and we expect to set new
Financial records all of that is a
reflection of what our creative and
business business teams do every day
which is to seek excellence in
everything they do and none of us could
be more proud than we are of those teams
and their commitment their loyalty to
this Enterprise and we are so grateful I
just want to say thank you to all of my
many thousands of colleagues around the
world many of whom are listening right
now and so that was the call that was
the earnings report those were the
interviews and the quotes we got about
Grand Theft Auto 6 and from take to
interactive CEO straw selnick and
honestly all of that sounds really
confident and I’m not the only one that
thinks that because Tito interactive and
their stock price has absolutely
skyrocketed so I know there wasn’t like
an official statement saying yes it’s
launching in October 2025 but this felt
more confident than the previous
earnings calls and I feel like he spoke
more honestly specifically just because
he said hey this game is coming out in
the summer we got to get this one out by
the end of the year where does that
leave room for GTA 6 I feel like that
sort of points to early fall being the
best option so that’s all I’ve got for
you guys in this video today I know it
was a lot but I wanted to go through
everything that was said on the call all
the quotes that were made from the
interviews that were published over the
last 24 hours or so but let me know what
you think about it does this instill
more confidence in you does this not
instill any confidence when do you think
we’re going to hear from Rockstar Games
next we know take to interactive as
their next earnings call in May do you
think it’ll be then before we hear from
Rockstar surely it can’t be that long
but it’s been 14 months so far so who
knows let me know what you think in
those comments down below though I’d
love to hear from you guys down there if
you guys did go on to enjoy this video
though I like rating would of course be
awesome and be sure to subscribe to my
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to stay up to date on all the GTA 6
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guys thank you all so much for watching
Take Care by and I’ll see you guys in
the next video

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