so take to interactive just had their
earnings call and in today’s video we’re
going to go through everything we know
what everything means if the game’s
going to be delayed if the game’s
actually on track and try and make some
sense of what to be honest has been a
lot of corporate talk so I’ve just
finished my live stream and thank you to
75,000 people that watched that whilst
it was live absolutely insane and also
thank you for getting me to 30,000
subscribers mental so during the
earnings call there was a few key
takeaways that we had so just before the
earnings call went live there was of
course the document that goes with the
earnings call and in this document it
said that GTA 6 was on track for 2025
now this actually doesn’t mean anything
but we we will get to that trust me just
bear with me and then throughout the
earnings call they went over loads of
different topics they kept talking about
Mobile gaming like totally not
understanding Their audience but at the
same time we are not Their audience
obviously that core was for the
investors like JP Morgan and Chase and
black rock and all of these companies
now the bit that we thought would be the
important part would be the end of the
call where all of these big investment
firms can actually call call in and ask
questions but these questions are
pre-screened pre-selected from
pre-selected people so there was nothing
really about GTA 6 in there other than a
few vague hints but before this owning
School a statement went out in
conjunction with IGN and a few other
outlets as well B Sanic said that he’s
highly confident in the 2025 release
date for GTA 6 now that there is really
important saying that he’s confident in
it happening I’d say is a really good
sign but that’s all it is a good sign
now I just want to go back a little bit
because throughout GTA 5’s release cycle
throughout Red Dead Redemption 2’s
release cycle I’ve been there through
all of them and every single time that
take 2’s earnings calls other than the
pivotal ones in May which we’ll talk
about in a minute every single time they
say it’s on track prior to that it’s not
now I just mentioned May and the reason
why may is important is because in may
they legally with the best of their
knowledge have to give the most accurate
predictions for the next 12 months to
investors this earnings call that
happened in February Rockstar don’t have
to do that and take two don’t have to do
that this earnings core was looking back
over the last three months the last
quarter to see what has happened and
whether they’ve met their predictions
and projections for the business and
that’s why throughout the call they said
that they’re not looking to speculate
for fiscal 26 which starts in May
they’re not looking to talk right now
about what’s going to be happening after
the end of this fiscal year which ends
at the very end of March and the reason
why they do that is because by doing
that they legally have to be obligated
to speculate based on information they
have or information that they don’t have
which of course would be an SEC
violation so they can’t do it so the
call that’s coming up in May will be the
one that actually tells us if GTA 6 is
going to make the full
2025 guideline but it isn’t all doom and
gloom this vote of confidence from stra
Sonic is a good thing and this vote of
confidence absolutely skyrocketed take
the interactive share price and doing
something like that and putting out a
big public statement that could cause
that to happen could be dangerous for a
business if it’s then proven to be wrong
and we saw this last year in February of
last year durin the take to interactives
earnings call they intimated that they
could reach around $8 billion of revenue
for fisal 25 then 3 months later in may
they revised that prediction back down
to $5 billion which caused their share
price to absolutely take a nose dive
they can’t do that again they can’t
afford for that to happen again well
they but it’s bad for business so
Strauss xic giving his vote of
confidence this time is definitely a
good sign that GTA 6 could be on track
but I’m not ready to celebrate until May
in May we’ll know 100% for sure and this
brings us to trailer 2 now with the
trailer 2 The Next realistic date
obviously we had today as an option
because it was the earnings call but
like I’ve been saying if you follow me
on Twitter I didn’t believe that it was
going to happen today it wasn’t a likely
date the more likely date is the one
that a lot of us have had in the back of
our mind for the past year Valentine’s
Day the 14th of February now the 14th of
February is a key one because GTA 6 is a
Bonnie and Clyde inspired love story but
also today PlayStation have announced
that their stateof play event is going
to be on the 14th of February now
originally this date was predicted to be
the 30th of January then a lot of the
speculation just died out now all of a
sudden it’s the 14th of February
Valentine’s Day so the fact that we’ve
been having a lot of speculation around
Valentine’s Day being a GTA 6
announcement and of course the rumors
about Rockstar partnering with Sony for
the marketing side of GTA 6 and then
Sony announcing that their stateof play
event is on the 14th of February I’m not
saying it’s anything I’m just saying
Do’s a bear in the woods so
hopefully that helps give you all a bit
of information and summarizes kind of
what’s happened over the past few hours
and I guess we just have to see how it
plays out from here the next video is
going to be an absolutely Mega one so
hopefully you all enjoy that when it
comes out and uh thank you so much for
watching please like And subscribe and
I’ll see you all in the next one
this is the best
of this
Watch the video here: