UH OH…GTA 6 ANNOUNCEMENT…What Is Rockstar Games Doing Next? (2025) (z2uaxjWpe2Q)


uh-oh GTA 6 fans I’ve got some
potentially bad news is Grand Theft Auto
6 might not be the next thing that
Rockstar Games talks about I’ll be
telling you what I mean and more all in
this video today so you would think over
400 Days of Silence the next time
Rockstar Games makes a big time
announcement surely it has to be about
GTA 6 right well not necessarily is it
looks like they have a couple of things
in the books that are possibly set to
come out and be announced before GTA 6
even gets here now towards the end of
this video I’ll try to provide some good
news to this entire thing but I want to
clarify on some of the things that might
be coming out next and one of those
things is going to be an update to GTA 5
which might send fans into a crazy death
spiral because they’re going to go crazy
on Rockstar saying I can’t believe
you’re still talking about GTA 5 where’s
our GTA 6 update this actually comes
from Rockstar Games Insider de funds 2
who responded to someone that said this
no newswire still remember that video
earlier how we talked about the Rockstar
Games missing newswire maybe they’re
cooking for a newswire today with the
first official news about expanded and
enhance for PC and he said the news wire
is likely delayed due to the Firebolt
and not due with expanded and enhanced
they initially aimed for release this
past November it’s unlikely they’ll push
it back all the way to Summer 2025 so we
can expect the announcement around the
conference call so there’s a lot of
things happening there number one
Rockstar’s newswire likely delayed due
to the Los Angeles fires and the vehicle
they were set to release in Grand Theft
Auto online the Firebolt ASP given the
name of the vehicle you can see why it
might not be the best time to release it
certainly given the LA fires and he also
confirms that gr Theft Auto 5 was
supposed to get a major update in
November 2024 on PC this is when the PC
was going to get all the improvements
that the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox
series X and S got a a couple years back
Rockstar have confirmed that they’re
going to be revealing information on
that soon as they said the early part of
2025 when they would give us new
information on that and TZ funds 2
speculates that it’s going to be around
the earnings call that happens on
February 6th 2025 so that might be the
next announcement that Rockstar Games
makes and he believes that because he
doesn’t think it’s going to be pushed
all the way back to Summer 2025
especially if GTA 6 is still on schedule
to come out in Fall you wouldn’t have
those two things being released so
closely together so again the next thing
Rockstar talks about might not
necessarily be Grand Theft Auto 6 now
some people were curious how he actually
knew about this with some person saying
out of curiosity what was the source of
them aiming for the November release and
Tes funds 2 Straight Up said a Rockstar
Games employee battle ey was supposed to
launch sooner too and the PC gen 9
launch would have coincided with a new
series that would feature community made
content or the public Mission Creator
SLC controller content we see referenced
within the scripts they started rotating
series and modes back in August which
would have made space for both assault
at16 and the new series which is more
like the community series Mark I it’s
probably why Rockstar started featuring
new community modes on PlayStation 5 and
Xbox series X ands only with expanded
prop limit and hsw features eventually
it will become the new series so you
guys see me feature TZ funds 2 and his
opinions and also sources a lot you guys
can see there he clearly knows someone
from Rockstar Games that has given him
this information that this was set to
release back in November but again has
since been delayed again underscoring
the fact that the next time we hear from
Rockstar it might be nothing about Grand
Theft Auto 6 especially if this is
something they’ve been planning for
quite some time now now another thing
that Rockstar games might choose to talk
about next that’s not Grand Theft Auto 6
is another game and that’s Red Dead
Redemption 2 that’s because Red Dead
Redemption 2 is rumored to launch on the
Nintendo switch this is an article
coming on Rockstar Intel Red Dead
Redemption 2 might be releasing on the
Nintendo switch 2 in just a few months
that’s according to various sources in
the past days or so Rockstar Games
released the first Red Dead Redemption
on Nintendo switch back in August 2023
and it seems like they’re GE enough to
put a new version out of the following
game the past couple of weeks have been
Rife with various leaks and rumors
showing off the new Nintendo console
accessories for it and even features in
terms of actual game for though it is
taken until the past day for some
software rumors to arrive and the first
murmurings of Red Dead Redemption 2 on
switch 2 came from the product pages
that were made by French retailer fnac a
Reddit user found several web pages
pre-made for the Nintendo switch 2 in
games and the games Pages even included
which publisher they are from and two of
the pages are for take to Interactive
games Rockstar parent company while it
could be any take two title a Twitter
user claims the Ean for one of them is
Red Dead Redemption 2 furthermore a
leaker who correctly gave information
about the PS5 Pro announcement and
implied Nintendo were announcing switch
Hardware on October 9th it was actually
alarmo added to the matter they claimed
Red Dead Redemption 2 is indeed coming
to switch 2 and the leaker also
specifically claims the console will be
revealed next week on January 17th and
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a launch title
with the release date of March 3rd so if
the switch 2 is going to be announced
soon and Red Dead Redemption 2 is going
to be one of the launch titles you sure
know that Rockstar Games is going to
talk about that it’s a big deal it might
not be as big of a deal as Grand Theft a
6 but it’s certainly a big deal so the
next time we hear from Rockstar might
not so the next time we hear from
Rockstar might be GTA 5 and it might be
Red Dead Redemption 2 now with all of
this that Rockstar needs to talk about
this does actually presented an okay
opportunity for them and what I mean by
that is they could sort of tie
everything together in a nice little
package put a bow on top and also talk
about Grand Theft Auto 6 now hopefully
that talk would not be of a delay to the
game hopefully it would be something
along the lines of screenshots or saying
hey be on the lookout for trailer 2
coming in a couple of weeks or whatever
the case might be or maybe it’s just
talking about things are going well
we’ll update you soon there is a chance
that Rockstar could do that very
similarly to a bunch of update they’ve
done in the past like when they first
announced that Grand Theft Auto 6 is in
development they were talking about
updates to a GTA online DLC the fact
that GTA 5 was going to be getting a new
update on PlayStation 5 in series X and
S what was going to be happening to Red
Dead online updates so they’ve done that
sort of stuff in the past so it wouldn’t
be surprising to see them do the exact
same thing here given that those are
three really major announcements I mean
Red Dead Redemption 2 coming out on a
new console that’s a big deal GTA 5 on
PC getting its arguably biggest update
in years that’s a big deal and certainly
GTA 6 in any capacity is going to be a
massive deal but anyways I’d love to
hear from you guys in those comments
Down Below on everything we discussed in
this video today when Rockstar Games
does talk to us next whenever they
decide to update their newswire what do
you think it’s going to be about do you
think it’s going to be about Grand Theft
Auto online or Red Dead online do you
think it’ll be about Red Dead Redemption
2 on the switch GTA 5’s PC update or
will will they shock the world and
finally give us more details on Grand
theft. 6 let me know what you think in
those comments down below I’d love to
hear from you guys down there if you
guys did go to enjoy this video though I
like grading would of course be awesome
and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube
channel if you are new you want to stay
up to date on all the GTA 6 videos that
I’ll be doing here on my channel and be
sure to ring that notification Bell as
well sometimes YouTube just doesn’t work
and if you ring that Bell you’ll always
be guaranteed to be notified when new
videos arrive but of course as always
guys thank you all so much for watching
take care and I’ll see you guys in the
next video

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2uaxjWpe2Q