so the closest thing we’re going to get
to Grand Theft Auto 6 decided to ignore
Rockstar and take two interactive
release the game anyway and put out a
new trailer we’ll be talking about
everything that happened over the
weekend and more all in this video today
and that project I’m talking about is
GTA Vice City the next gen Edition it’s
essentially Vice City but using Grand
Theft Auto 4’s engine so it’s basically
the most modern version of the game that
we can play until Grand Theft Auto 6
gets here and many fans were excited
about it with really the exception of
Rockstar Games and take two interactive
because even before the game came out or
I’m going to call it game but even
before the mod or project came out take
two interactive completely removed the
YouTube channel of the team that was
creating it and it was set to come out
over the weekend on January 25th and a
lot of people thought is it still going
to come out how are they going to put
this out take two interactive is going
to be all over it well they did end up
putting it out they released the entire
game and they actually put out a brand
new trailer too explaining the situation
so they went on to say our team’s
channel was deleted by take to
interactive 2 days before the Project’s
release a lot of time and effort was
invested into its development including
hundreds of hours of streaming teaser
trailer gained over a 100,000 views in
less than a day unfortunately it was
absolutely impossible to restore it we
were forced to create a new channel but
it’s unlikely that this trailer will
reach the people who were truly waiting
for it nevertheless we’re sharing the
result of almost 2 years of hard work
thank you for your intention and enjoy
watching and so they put out a new
trailer essentially saying that it was
available right now I’m not going to
show the trailer just in case take to
and interactive are going absolutely
psycho and decide they want to remove it
everywhere but if you guys are
interested in playing this for yourself
I will leave a link in the description I
don’t know how long it’s going to be
available but it’s kind of the closest
thing we’re going to get to Grand Theft
Auto 6 because it’s basically again a
Vice City remake but in GTA’s 4’s engine
so you know the closer we get to the
modern games the more it’ll be like a
modern game getting to experience Vice
City with a more upgraded engine now
what’s interesting about this entire
thing is you had some fans that were
split or at least understanding why
Rockstar did something like this and I
think the best explanation actually
comes from former Rockstar Games
developer Obi vermes we’ve actually
talked about some of the statements he’s
made online in the past he likes to talk
sort of behind the scenes about Rockstar
which is super cool but regarding this
he said take two and Rockstar are a
commercial company they will take down
mods that interfere with their business
interest the Vice City nextg Edition mod
for GTA 4 directly competes with the
definitive edition the Liberty City
preservation project GTA 4 and GTA 5’s
engine would interfere with a possible
GTA 4 remaster no idea what they’re
working on I think they should do that
there’s no point of getting angry about
it this is what companies are supposed
to do the best we can hope for is that
they allow mods that don’t interfere
with their business such as DCA 3 GTA 3
for Dreamcast as far as I know they have
recently been decent about letting these
projects continue and I agree with what
he’s saying there it’s just unfortunate
that the guys that go on to create these
mods and these projects spend tens if
not hundreds if not thousands of hours
working on this just to be removed with
almost little to no communication as far
as what we know
because let’s say you were just excited
about this but then you saw their entire
YouTube channel taken down what are you
supposed to say and I I understand it’s
not you know take to interactive’s
responsibility to explain everything
they do and everything they’re within
their rights to do but at the same it’s
just kind of frustrating all the way
around so this is the closest thing we
have right now to Grand Theft Auto 6
they put out a new trailer their old
Channel got deleted it’s been a crazy
Saga let’s just say that however
regarding take two interactive there is
some serious hype surrounding them right
now this is an article that was
published just a few hours ago on take two interactive gets an
upgrade from UBS as Grand Theft Auto 6
hype builds again that was on CBS on take two interactive
software NASDAQ
ttw raised to buy at USB group and on USB lifts rating on take
two to buy on Grand Theft Auto 6 and
essentially this firm USB has upgraded
take to interactive to buy from neutral
raising its Target price to
$230 from
$175 driven by optimism in the demand
for grand theft out of six and this is
interesting timing because we know in
just about a week or so take two
interactive is set to have their
earnings call uh to report their
quarterly results and we also know that
it’s around this time that Rockstar
Games typically makes announcements on
when the release dates of their titles
are set to come out so you can see
what’s going on here all this seems to
be coming to ahead where we’re getting
this upgrade from this big firm saying
hey take to interactive you might want
to buy their stock right now we know
that we’re just days away from their
earnings call and days away when
Rockstar typically make big time
announcements like they did in the past
for Red Dead Redemption 2 GTA 5 GTA 4
Etc so long story short if history
repeats itself here we could be looking
in the next couple of days of finally
Rockstar breaking their silence on Grand
Theft Auto 6 you just hope that them
breaking their silence brings good news
and that it’s not news of some sort of a
delay at a minimum if there is some sort
of delay give us something else to go
along with it new information about the
game screenshots another trailer perhaps
Etc whatever the case might be don’t
just say the game’s delayed and then go
another couple of months of Silence we
don’t want that at all again hopefully
we hear from Rockstar games soon and
again all this is rather convenient as
again Rockstar Games is doing something
that I think is directly related to this
earnings call and I figured this would
be a good opportunity to let you guys
know as well Rockstar Games has a huge
sale on Steam right now in fact that’s
the last thing they’ve talked about on
their social media platforms and on
their newswire you can get 80% off of
Select Rockstar Games PC titles and
wouldn’t you know it ends on February
6th the exact date that take to
interactive is set to have their
earnings call so literally almost every
single Rockstar title is on sale in some
way shape or form Grand Theft Autos Red
Dead redemptions there’s some huge sales
going on there in fact because of this
sale Red Dead Redemption 2 actually hit
the most amount of people that it’s ever
had on the game which is crazy so at the
time of me making this video Red Dead
Redemption 2 sits at nearly 87,000
people playing right now just on PC ing
its previous record of nearly 78,000 in
November 2023 so that is just wild to
think about the Rockstar Games is
setting new records even with just the
tiniest little things they’re doing like
a PC sale for example but again the
timing of that is very interesting How
It Ends on the exact day that take2
interactive is set to have their
earnings call so is something going on
here Rockstar again has been awfully
quiet over the last couple of weeks and
months obviously when it comes to Grand
Theft Auto 6 we haven’t heard from them
in over 400 days but I do think
something is going to be coming soon
based on Rockstar’s history based on
everything that’s going on with take to
interactive but let me know what you
guys think in those comments down below
what do you think is going to happen
over the next couple of days will we
hear from Rockstar and Grand Theft Auto
6 will we get nothing and have to wait
to take to’s earnings call let me know
what you think in those comments down
below I’d love to hear from you guys
down there if you guys did go on and
enjoy this video though a like rating
would of course be awesome and be sure
to subscribe to my YouTube channel if
you are new you want to stay up to date
on all the GTA 6 videos that I’ll be
doing here on my channel and be sure to
ring that notification Bell as well
sometimes YouTube just doesn’t work and
if you ring that Bell you’ll always be
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videos arrive but of course as always
guys thank you also much for watching
take care and I’ll see you guys in the
next video
Watch the video here: