Rockstar Might Have Uploaded Trailer 2 (dqVuk_zjGOU)


this is unconfirmed myself and game roll
have spent the last 12 hours trying to
figure out if this is legitimate but we
are genuinely stomped game roll was sent
this anonymously along with some
convincing evidence that this could
potentially be legitimate this account
wasn’t up for very long until it got
nuked so what is it and what are we
looking at when you upload a video to
YouTube you have something called Rights
Management this is a dashboard that
allows you to assign titles and
descriptions to copyrighted assets you
may have heard of YouTube’s Content ID
system before and essentially it matches
one piece of content to another piece of
content to prevent re-uploads something
that Rockstar do with all of their
content if someone else re-uploads that
asset whether it be a video a photo or
music it automatically Flags it as
copyrighted content with trailer one we
had this leak which was for that asset
in particular this was legitimate
because to this day the asset ID is the
exact same with this one for trailer 2
we can’t see any obvious signs of
tampering but we could be missing
something something that we did notice
though is that the font spacing for both
of these screenshots is very slightly
different but the one for trailer 2
actually appears to match the current
YouTube UI so if this is fake it’s a
very good one they haven’t just changed
one or two text boxes every text box
matches the new YouTube spacing now when
I upload a file to YouTube and go to the
rights management section and try to
sign this particular asset number it
doesn’t let me which could be to it
either being taken or a number of other
reasons but I still thought it was worth
mentioning that this asset number
potentially is in use for something now
the person that originally posted this
didn’t make an attempt to contact any
YouTubers or anything they followed
mainly video game journalistic entities
and it’s clear that this probably wasn’t
intended for us to pick up on but more
official GTA news outlets however that
being said the very quick deletion of
this account was very suspicious I
wanted to get this video out as I’m
aware that there are a fair few people
that will have better resources to check
the legitimacy of this than me or game
rooll but also myself and game roll
discussed that a tweet wasn’t the best
format to Showcase this or explain it in
if anyone has any ways to help us verify
this drop myself or game roll a message
on Twitter and once again I do need to
say this is entirely unconfirmed but
there’s enough there for us to want to
investigate further but unfortunately me
and game Roll by ourselves don’t have
the resources to do this thank you so
much for watching and I’ll see you in
the next one
this is the
best this the

Watch the video here: