Rockstar Games NEW Announcement Has GTA 6 SO PISSED! (-CFJjN-YUiA)


Rockstar Games new announcement has fans
pissed we’ll be talking about what they
did and more in this video today so
today is a day we circled on the
calendar for many reasons we know that
we’re just a few days away from their
parent company take to interactives
earnings call we also know that
traditionally the last day of January or
like the very first day of February if
Rockstar is a game coming out is
typically when they’ll make an
announcement on either if the game is
delayed or doubling down on the release
date they’ve essentially done this for
every single game they’ve released over
the last decade and so obviously
everyone was pretty excited they said is
today the day we’re finally going to get
new information on Grand Theft Auto 6
even I thought that might be the case
well Rockstar’s new announcement has
nothing to do with GTA 6 and fans are
pretty upset about it but it does
require some context so weirdly Rockstar
Games has only posted this on Instagram
they have not posted this on X formerly
Twitter it’s this post right here which
has obviously a ton of comments because
people are like what the heck this has
nothing to do with Grand Theft Auto 6
and you can see here’s the announcement
watch Lucas rrig trained and managed by
former world champion St George Groves
in his second Pro bout this Saturday
February 1st which is tomorrow see it on
Sky Sports boxing in the UK and peacock
in the US and you can see the comments
other than those involved in the project
like the boxer the M themselves saying
where is GTA 6 what is this why don’t
you drop news did you get your account
hacked they are posting anything but GTA
6 a lot of people saying we don’t care
others saying they’re just trolling at
this point A lot of people are saying
rockstar got hacked this is not a hack
Rockstar did not get hacked this is a
legitimate sponsorship that they have it
takes a little bit of explaining so this
actually happened back in October 2024
when Rockstar Games announced they were
not only sponsoring the boxer himself
but sponsoring his trainer and that they
would be following and promoting his
progress in fact you can actually still
see on Rockstar’s Instagram which is
kind of cool because they’ve gone
through this phase where they’re only
having like the most recent stuff appear
on there they in fact right now they
only have 17 posts but if you go back
just a couple of weeks in fact 13 weeks
ago when I’m recording this video they
posted something on Instagram
essentially a video where they showed
him training and that they are
sponsoring him and that they’re going to
be following his progress and this is
something that Rockstar Games does on
occasion they sponsor things outside of
the video game industry they have their
own racing team they’ve sponsored
cycling teams in the past so they do do
some work outside of the video game
industry and they do sponsor some
athletes it’s just really really really
bad timing and fans are letting them
know it’s honestly like Rockstar has no
idea what’s going on in the community
I’m sure they do but honestly it just
feels like they have to be trolling at
this point this is one of those times
where we’re really anticipating them
giving us some info on GTA 6 and what
happens is they post something
completely unrelated to gaming all the
way around so you can see why fans are
frustrated with this and again it’s only
on their Instagram page it’s not on the
Rockstar Newswire and it’s not not on X
either so where do things stand now well
we know that take two interactive has
their earnings call next week on
February 6th at 4:30 p.m. eastern time
if I was a betting man I would expect by
at least then we probably have to hear
from Rockstar Games in some capacity or
at a minimum we’ll hear from take two
interactive like their Executives and
chairman straw selic on the earnings
call who actually in the past has
clarified when GTA is going to be
releasing again going from calendar year
2025 to fall 2025 now moving on we also
have some more details on why one of the
latest interviews involving a Rockstar
Games developer who shared his thoughts
and ideas on how Grand Theft AO 6 is
going to launch graphically whether it
would be 60 FPS 30 FPS or somewhere in
the middle we now know why mysteriously
his interview got taken down so again to
give you some context he did an
interview with a YouTuber kiwi talks who
does interviews with game developers
non-stop it’s a really cool YouTube
channel I’ll leave a link to it in the
description well on social media he
responded to a few people asking why the
post was actually removed and the
interview got taken down with someone
saying hey what happened I was halfway
through the video and then it popped up
saying it’s private and kiwi said he
asked for it to be taken down because he
said some stuff that he shouldn’t have
apparently and again the entire
interview talked about the culture at
Rockstar theft a 6 the Hower Brothers uh
things he wanted to be put out for GTA 5
when he was working there so I don’t
know if it was the GTA 6 stuff or the
Rockstar Games culture stuff but it just
seems very strange that it would be
taken down so quickly now others asked
the same question with someone saying
what happened he said too much Insider
stuff and kiwi said Rockstar’s legal
team came for him apparently he said
some stuff he shouldn’t have and I
understand that Rockstar are very
secretive and they kind of like to
operate in the shadows but this just
feels very strange it felt like a
relatively innocent interview Mike
hasn’t worked at Rockstar Games for
years now so it really does make you
wonder what he shared that could have
been so secretive or that Rockstar Games
didn’t want out there again this
wouldn’t be the first time they’ve
stopped former employees and developers
from talking about things online they’ve
done it to Obi vermes who we’ve talked
about in videos here on the the channel
and now it looks like they’re doing it
to Mike York again remaining as
secretive as possible in fact in the
middle of editing this video I decided
to jump on the GTA 6 subreddit to see
how they’re handling the fact that
there’s no news from Rockstar today and
this was the top post with nearly 5,000
up votes from a user crazy gamer 297
petitioned to shut down the sub until an
official announcement about Grand Theft
AO 6 saying we analyzed and discussed
everything that you could possibly talk
about there’s no purpose for this
subreddit except making everyone even
more impatient and schizophrenic I
propose we shut down the subreddit until
we have new info time passes way quicker
when you forget about it and it’s better
for everyone like that so fans seemingly
all over the world no matter what sites
you decide to use whether it’s social
media forums Reddit all seem to be so
upset at the lack of news coming from
Rockstar Games today but anyways that’s
where things stand as we head into
February can you believe that January
the first month of 2025 is already over
I would be surprised if something
happens this weekend although they did
that with Red Dead Redemption 2 remember
the very first announcement that they
made and first teaser for that game
actually happened on a Sunday but if I
was a betting man it might happen again
sometime closer to the earnings call
which is going to happen next Thursday
at 4:30 p.m. eastern time so let me know
what you think in those comments down
down below when do you think we’re going
to hear from Rockstar Games next do you
think it’ll be sometime in the next week
do you think it’ll just be random
whenever they decide to make that
announcement let me know what you think
in those comments down below I’d love to
hear from you guys down there if you
guys did go on to enjoy this video
though all like rating would of course
be awesome and be sure to subscribe to
my YouTube channel if you are new you
want to stay up to date on all the GTA 6
videos that I’ll be doing here on my
channel and be sure to ring that
notification Bell as well sometimes
YouTube just doesn’t work and if you
ring that Bell you’ll always be
guaranteed to be notified when new
videos arrive but of course as always
guys thank you all so much for watching
take care and I’ll see you guys in the
next video

Watch the video here: