so you guys might have seen earlier that
myself and game roll got sent this
screenshot now this is a screenshot
supposedly showing that trailer 2 has
been uploaded to the back end of YouTube
but over the last few hours a lot of
interesting things have happened and and
I can’t say this is fully debunked but I
can say there’s definitely some fishy
stuff going on here but before we go
through all of that I’m just going to
quickly go through some other stuff that
I very quickly need to debunk this is
becoming a theme on the channel now
debunking everything now I’m seeing so
many different theories about the actual
likelihood of trailer 2 coming on the
27th and you know and I think it’s
important here to not overstate the fact
that we’re definitely getting a trailer
on the 27th something is probably going
to happen on the 27th with this many
references to the 27th in fact I did a
whole video about all of the 27th
references and since then there’s been
at least five times as many that have
come up a lot of them aren’t plausible
really they’re not plausible but there
are quite a lot that really can’t be
ignored so this kind of leaves us in
this position now where we have to
figure out what is going to happen
realistically I think we’ll either get a
trailer or we’ll get screenshot or we
get an announcement of a trailer that’s
where I’m at with it now it is entirely
possible that we get absolutely nothing
but if we do get nothing I can guarantee
and I’ll bet my channel on it that these
employees were trolling us and Rockstar
were aware of it for the past year
Rockstar have never ever ever had 27
posts on their social media in fact they
relisted previously hidden posts to get
that number up to 27 and they also spent
the past couple of weeks absolutely
farming out more content than they’ve
ever farmed out out for the previous
year Rockstar aiming to get that number
up to 27 the next thing is this license
plate equaling 27 while they hid it on
their Instagram now a lot of people are
asking me what this means and the truth
is I have absolutely no idea I don’t
know I think maybe they’re just drawing
attention to the significance of it I
also believe that you know I’m not sure
on this bit but it’s difficult talking
about things I’m not sure about because
people take my word as gospel from what
I understand sometimes running adverts
on Instagram or any of the meta
platforms that have license plates in it
can get prevented from being run as ads
because the ID system sees it as a
number plate whether it’s a real car a
game car a cartoon car it sees it as a
privacy concern that’s what I understand
from previously having talked to car
dealerships that run ads on social media
now they’ve had license plates before
but there is no evidence to say that
these posts were ran as ads or not
there’s a difference between posting a
piece of content and actually running it
as a paid advertisement so but the truth
is I really don’t know and that’s just
speculation I can’t give you the meaning
behind them censoring this cuz I I don’t
know and I wish I did I wish I could be
more useful but I don’t know then the
next thing we have is all of these posts
on the GTA 6 Reddit saying that how
Rockstar employees are replying saying
to keep your eyes on Rockstar’s feet
this person does not work at Rockstar
they do not work at Rockstar they’re an
illustrator and they’ve got at Rockstar
Games in their bio but talking to people
that know this person this person does
not work at Rockstar they are trolling
the images they’re sharing are from
different Rockstar employees they’re
cropping images to have 27% grass in it
when the actual original image has
rotated the correct way around and it’s
more like 60% grass or whatever you it
doesn’t really matter it’s nothing to do
with anything it’s not important now
I’ve publicly criticized this person on
Twitter cuz I feel like trying to grow
your social media by taking credit for
work that you haven’t done is a little
bit shitty but they’ve just keep
doubling down on it saying they do work
at Rockstar that they definitely do not
work at Rockstar I’ll confirm this with
a few verifiable sources I’ve also
realized as well some of the stuff that
they’ve previously posted has now got
people messaging Rockstar devs
themselves um with some not particularly
tasteful things because this person
claiming to work at Rockstar doesn’t
exactly look great on Rockstar so yeah
not really good is it next we have
people talking about this photo where
you zoom in and it says tin and people
are saying that tin is the 27th element
on the periodic table it’s not it’s just
it’s not Copp is the 27th element now
next you have the big thing in the
community at the moment which supposedly
this note that was under the D by the
Rockstar employee is just his holiday
plans everyone keeps justifying this as
just being the Rockstar EMP his holiday
plans and nothing more and nothing less
now I do need to add to this why would
he be going to a hotel in Orlando and
this number being a car dealership
that’s 2 hours away no one flies from
Scotland to the US for one day and we
know it’s one day from the price of the
hotel room no one goes for one day which
is a 14-hour round trip to go and buy a
car 2 hours away from where they’re
staying to then somehow have to
miraculously sell the car the same day
it it doesn’t make sense it just being a
holiday for this Rockstar employee
doesn’t make sense more to the point A
lot of people are saying that it’s a
gift from Rockstar sending their
employees to Florida well then why are
they working out their cost calculations
for it doesn’t make sense now a lot of
the community is saying that there isn’t
the three digits at the start of the
number which would give the area code
and no you are right there aren’t the
three digits at the start if you just
put this number in and type in the word
Florida either before or after or
anywhere and you just put phone number
or whatever after the first couple of
ads that appear the first Native SEO
post is this car dealership if it was a
direct fulllength number that gave the
area code and everything it would be the
laziest ever ever placement of a teaser
or anything like that now the most
realistic outlook on this is 50/50 50%
chance we’re getting trolled by Rockstar
and the employees because Rockstar
bumping their numbers up getting post
out with 27 in it loads of references to
27 that we’ve seen isn’t just a mere
coincidence there’s far too many for it
to be a coincidence the moon theory in
my opinion was closer to being a
coincidence than this was and I think
you all know that I was very quick to
criticize the moon Theory as it was
right once and wrong four times
statistically the Moon Theory had very
little weight to it in the grand scheme
of things but something like this tends
to have a lot more weight in it more to
the point that the Rockstar employees
that posted this aren’t active on
Twitter they post once a year and it
happened to be the one time that they
post happens to be this big elaborate
troll whether it’s a troll or whether it
is actually trailer to we don’t know but
either way as I said Rockstar are
definitely involved in this they’re
definitely aware of it clearly maybe a
marketing team had an idea or these
employees had an idea and it was
escalated and blah blah blah like it’s
either a troll or we’re getting
something come the 27th cool now let’s
go through this thing so let me walk you
through what happened so as I mentioned
in the video earlier this person
deactivated their account they ghosted
as soon as they sent the information
they ghosted which we found a little
weird but it didn’t really confirm
whether it was truthful or they were
just sharing the information and dipping
cuz that has been the case especially
with the last leaks that happened but
now things have transpired a little bit
further so this person reactivated their
account and this put us in a position
where we could actually start some
dialogue so game roll dropped him a
message and he requested for a group
chat to be created between myself game
roll and him so game roll created this
group chat and and the first thing is we
got the pleasantries out the way but for
me one of the most important things was
to get the conversation up and running
to get the the wheels turning so I asked
straight away if they could give us some
context to how they acquired this
information and they said sure we can
ask questions so the first thing I
wanted to know was was this information
from YouTube or was it from Rockstar
because the last leak that happened it
was leaked from YouTube a YouTube
employee had grabbed that information
then the message I sent to game roll is
that if he says Rockstar it’s probably
[ __ ] and as it turns out he said a
rockstar employee sent it to him in
exchange for compensation now it is
slightly possible that Rockstar have
screenshots of the content ID internally
probably their marketing team would need
it but I was still not exactly very sure
so my next big question was what do they
benefit out of it what is the gain for
them because if they they’ve paid money
for this information there’s got to be
some use with the 2022 leaks the whole
idea was to grab the source code for GTA
5 grab whatever information they can get
about GTA 6 and sell it which is what
they did and the reply I got was Fame
but what I find is really weird is how
can you get Fame out of something when
you remove your accounts after maybe I’m
thinking about this from a social media
point of view too much rather than a
logical point of view and the next thing
I said is I think the thing I’m
struggling to understand is why a
rockstar employee would have access to
YouTube’s internal cont Content ID tools
now this page here is not something that
Rockstar will have access to this is
something that YouTube have access to
this is the back end of a YouTube system
not Rockstar’s YouTube account then they
deleted their account now in the
conversation this person had with game
roll apparently some big information is
coming very soon a massive bit of
information is coming apparently it’s to
do with the AI World building tools that
Rockstar are using earlier I was 50/50
on whether it was legitimate or not now
I’m going more towards 70% chance is
fake 30% chance is truthful mainly
because what this person’s telling me
only slightly makes sense I’d find it
more legitimate if he paid a YouTube
employee for the information rather than
paid Rockstar so I feel like we’re
slowly but surely getting to the bottom
of this if they do drop anything else of
course I’ll cover it but yeah for now
you can make what you will of this I’m
going to put this closer to debunk
rather than legitimate but thank you
everyone in the community that’s come
back with your suggestions on ways to
check if it’s legitimate or not
unfortunately a lot of people have said
that this was simply something done by
doing an inspect element thing where you
can actually change what the uh
screenshot says the thing is is no one
has access to this tool other than
YouTube so it’s very likely that this
was a Photoshop or a very very small
chance that maybe perhaps it possibly
could be legitimate we’ll have to wait
and see now the last thing that I want
to touch on this video and it’s a thing
that’s quite important to me and most of
you probably won’t care about it and if
I sound a bit defeated and a bit
deflated it’s because I’m trying to be
like positive and it’s Christmas in a
couple days but the rapidness of the GTA
community has been absolutely insane
like do you know how hard it is at the
moment I’m working on the GTA Creator
Awards celebrating the best creators in
community and to be getting messages
from people that are so maliciously
angry because I talked about a topic
which everyone else is talking about but
because I made a video and it makes more
than someone’s tweet does therefore it’s
a reason to come after me and all of
this I’ve always been really careful
about how I phrase myself in the GTA
Community to make sure that I don’t lead
people into a sense of security which is
why most of my content is debunking
theories from the GTA 6 Reddit or it’s
adding context to things that have been
taken out of context and I pride myself
on trying to be the best form of news
that I can give in in the GTA space I do
think it’s important and I do think I
have a Social and moral responsibility
to try and be as truthful as possible I
try in every sense of the word not to
clickbait people I try and make my
titles and thumbnails endearing but not
misleading and in the past there was two
occasions out of 400 plus videos where
my titles and thumbnails maybe could
have been misconstrued and I’ve changed
them and I’ve apologized and I’ve pinned
comments doing it and I’m fully willing
to admit that part of this is me needing
to get a thicker skin I think being in a
public light and having millions of
people see your videos is not something
I’m used to you got to remember that
you’re seeing me as a Creator now a fair
few of you watching would have been here
from day one where I had 800 subscribers
and I was you know in a different house
and I’m growing as a Creator and I think
I need to adjust to that and don’t me
wrong I’m not like depressed or anything
I’m good your boy’s good I’m happy it’s
just sometimes the community recently
has been really grating on me I’ve left
the GTA 6 mapping project some people
within that Community just couldn’t be
reason with they’re just anti- YouTuber
they hate YouTubers they see every GTA 6
channel in the same light which I can
get but you know it’s not a reason to
insult people and just because you
dislike one or two channels in the
community you shouldn’t immediately
insult and go after everyone you should
look at their content and if you don’t
like it and you feel it’s valid to
insult them or whatever freedom of
speech do what you want but the constant
pushing people’s names through the dirt
and more to the point lying about things
they’ve said is absolutely insane a good
example of this
is y a few people in the community may
know him but in front of thousands of
people in the uh GTA 6 mapping project
in front of many people he decided to
push the narrative that was encouraging
people to harass Rockstar employees when
obviously if you’ve watched my videos
I’ve pretty much dedicated half my
existence on YouTube to defending
Rockstar employees interviewing them on
the channel kicking off with other
people when they’ve made up things like
Rockstar employees and also I’m very
aware and I wasn’t aware of this until
today but the fact that I made some of
these videos explaining the situation to
people and explaining what’s happening
has meant that people haven’t gone to
social media to ask the Rockstar
employees because I’ve laid out in front
of them there is no need to be harassing
Rockstar employees I think the bit that
kind of suck there a little bit as well
which kind of like worked against me is
there’s a quarter of a million views on
my Channel about the GTA 6 mapping
projects and encouraging people to join
that community so to have it kind of
turn back against me and have kind of
the [ __ ] flinged at me sucks a bit I’ve
had this quite a lot recently where
there’s been a load of comments on my
channel that are people saying well you
said this and it would get like a 100
likes and it’s something that I’ve never
said for example there was a there was a
comment on a recent video where it was
like apparently I was pushing the moon
Theory when i’ I was probably the only
GTA 6 creator that was so actively
against immune theory that I called it
ridiculous on at least five videos and
the videos are still on my channel if
you should go if you want to go and
watch them I think this leans more into
the Moss isms of YouTube now I’ve been
very critical of Mr Boss For the Win and
I have spoke to Mr Boss For the Win and
I have asked him about the misleading
titles and thumbnails and you know his
response was interesting not going to
share private DMS but for me being a
Channel with like I think I got 22,000
subscribers now to be getting more views
than a few channels that have millions
of subscribers at the moment I mean next
month I could get no views who knows but
to be in this position now where my
Channel’s starting to pick up pace and
I’m getting some notoriety for the work
I put in and when I say work I put in
like these videos videos don’t make
themselves um some like this video is
really low effort because it’s more of a
ramble but these videos don’t make
themselves I’m fully aware that if this
if YouTube doesn’t work out for me I’ll
go back to editing for other people and
it’s something I’ve done for years and
I’ll have to go back to that and pretty
much my last shot I’m 27 now I am
getting older my last shot of actually
trying to do something that I’m
passionate about enjoy will probably be
gone so for me for me this is my last
chance to really try something
compassionate and and do really well at
and I’m not thinking about a one-year
plan with YouTube I still to been in the
platform in 5 years and hopefully I can
grow to 30 40 50,000 subscribers 100,000
subscribers one day like that’s where
I’m at with YouTube and this whole
concept where you’re seeing a lot of
these AI channels that by the way done
some research on a few GTA 6 AI channels
a lot of them are literally created in
factories like factories of people will
create channel art AI voiceovers and
whatever I’ve spoke to some people in
the industry and there’s a lot of GTA 6
channels doing that being at this point
as a Creator now where if I get
something massively wrong or I make a
big mistake in a video that will hurt my
longevity on the platform that will hurt
that will hurt my ability to make money
in a year’s time two years time because
being inauthentic on this platform is
obvious people see it like you can’t run
from it so yeah that that’s that’s where
I’m at with it in general I can ignore
the hate but I think what’s more telling
is a lot of the hate I’m getting are
from people that will then admit that
they never watched the video or they
just see that I am a GT GTA 6 Channel
and I don’t have many subscribers so in
their head GTA 6 AI Channel let me
comment the most disgusting thing I can
think of to this person H if it was like
one or two comments a video I wouldn’t
be bothered but it’s just it’s
ridiculous it’s I’ve had to hide like a
couple hundred accounts in the past week
um some of the stuff I’ve been getting
is just totally unwarranted yeah what
I’m trying to say here the point I’m
getting at the overall point I’m getting
at is out of every theory in the GTA
Community this is the only one that I
feel like has the most gravity towards
it and like I said it could be Rockstar
trolling G not Rockstar’s employees it
could be Rockstar themselves cuz they’re
definitely involved in this um they
could be trolling us I have other
reasons to believe it’s more legitimate
as well and the reason why I’m saying
this is cuz it’s really important lots
of other theories that have Aros in the
community I haven’t live streamed those
theories I haven’t spoken about those
theories and considering how much
content I post about GTA 6 some might
call it obsessive it is I’ve got a
problem you’d think that if I was
grifting and trying to get the most out
of the community the most logical thing
for me to do would be to make 20 videos
on every single IND visual thing
repeatedly over and over again because I
would make more money I would get more
views I would gain more subscribers but
no the moon theory for example that’s
probably been the biggest Theory that’s
been going around for the past 6 months
and it’s the one theory that I’ve just
been like I’m not even going to
entertain it I explained it in like one
video and referenced it in a couple
videos but it was never the main selling
point or driving point for more than one
video what has been awesome in fact you
know what we’ll end this on a really
good note some of the biggest creators
in the GTA Community have been reaching
out to me over the past couple of weeks
and I’ve had some amazing conversation
ations and there’s some really cool
collabs coming with some of the biggest
creators in our community and seeing the
support that I’ve had from those
creators and of course obviously many of
you which should leave the the nicest
comments like some of the messages I get
are I I I sit down with like I’ve read
some of the messages to my family and
stuff cuz they’re just so lovely people
have put time into it and people make
art as well I love the artwork I am
proud of the community that we built and
I’m proud of where the Channel’s going
I’m looking to make this a long-term
thing I’m not looking for uh a a quick
Dollar on YouTube being totally
transparent you guys per thousand views
I make about $2 sometimes that drops
down to about a dollar per 1,000 views
so this isn’t a cash grab for me and yes
you will see brand deals on the channel
because for me to live survive I have to
do brand deals and partner with Brands
and there are some cool Brands I work
with you know Venom have supported the
channel since I had 8,000 subscribers
like that’s insane Venom are dope I
think that part of it just kind of sucks
so people think that I’ll Absolut Ely
sabotage my channel any Integrity I have
on the platform for a video that makes
me $20 or something is wild if I was
making like a grand a video like $5,000
a video I still wouldn’t be sacrificing
my Integrity to get there cuz you don’t
have to you can be ethical and still
make money on YouTube so yeah I just
kind of wanted to have a little pre
Christmas rant anyway thank you so much
for watching I think the best thing we
can all do now is just wait wait it’s
only a few days let’s get through
Christmas and I hope everyone has the
best Christmas that they can I I’m going
to be with my family over Christmas so
I’m going to have limited internet but
on Christmas Eve I will be dropping the
GTA Creator Awards which um is a video
that I’m I’m genuinely really proud of
cuz it’s it’s it’s not about GTA really
it’s not about anything it’s about the
people in the community that have served
the community well um so I’m really
looking forward to that cuz it’s a
celebration of everything that actually
makes the community great the complete
opposite to this video thank you all so
much for watching if you did enjoy of
course like And subscribe if if you want
to and I’ll see you all in the next one
Watch the video here: