so during the earnings call that we had
the other day Tate to interactive made
some comments towards the end of the
call that were very telling of their
marketing plans for GTA6 so welcome to
this episode of Grand Theft auto6 news
which is where we go over some stuff
that’s happening in the GTA Community
plus go over some of the stuff that
happens in The Wider community in
today’s video we’re going to talk about
the Grand Theft Auto 6 marketing cycle
and we’re also going to talk about how
PlayStation network was recently down
and also more to the point what this
means for the future of gaming also this
video is going to be a little bit longer
and a little bit more chill and relax
let me know if you want this sort of
content a bit more regularly or you want
the more produced videos just let me
know in the comments down below so
during the call when being asked about
their marketing plans not necessarily
for GTA 6 but all of their titles they
said that they’re looking to focus on
the marketing of the games from release
onwards the ongoing marketing of games
over a longer period of time now what
does this actually mean so a good way to
look at this is not necessarily with
gaming but also with films and music in
the early 2000s marketing cycles for
movies tend to last between about a year
to 18 months that’s usually ahead of the
movie when they start marketing here
this usually starts off with a marketing
press run saying that movies are in
production and then 9 months prior to
release is when they start to slowly
drip read information about the film and
then they’d finally release it the same
thing would go for music albums would be
teased when artists ended up in the
studio usually 3 to 6 months before the
albums were due to be released however
over the past 5 years a lot of music
artists have gone with a 21-day release
plan which is a 3-week period where they
start teasing a single teasing more
information and then finally dropping an
album the bigger the artists usually the
longer this period is but for most
current big artist they might drop a
single maybe 2 months ahead of the album
but normally it’s a 21-day release
period now the same thing has been said
with the gaming industry rather than
games developers spending years and
years and years marketing their games
a lot of games developers have moved to
an online service model where
microtransactions are just as important
to the game as the initial game sales
you’ve got to think in the early 2000s
the game would be sold and that would be
it but nowadays the game gets sold or
the game is completely free and the
marketing Cycles continue in the long
term to sell people microtransactions
whether that be stuff like Shark cards
or in-game assets and skins and that
sort of stuff the drawing the earnings
called take two spoke about this they
mentioned that they’re looking for a
short marketing period before the
release of games and an ongoing
marketing effort following the release
of the games and to be honest this makes
perfect sense for Grand Theft Auto 6 so
for this we kind of have to throw
everything out the window with Red Dead
Redemption 2 and GTA 5 the trailer 2
years before release and then a trailer
a year before release and then 6 months
prior to release another trailer none of
that stuff matters anymore and if we are
to believe that they are still on track
for a 2025 release cycle it makes sense
that maybe maybe we wouldn’t see a
trailer until May or even June for that
matter and one of the reasons why now
more than ever this is becoming a bigger
thing is because people are constantly
being presented with advertisements
whether you’re on Tik Tok Instagram
YouTube you’re constantly seeing
advertisements you probably saw one
before watching this video you mentally
cannot comprehend seeing a million
adverts all the time our brains are not
built to deal with that amount of
stimulus all of the time it’s very
likely that you can’t even remember what
the advert was at the start of this
video and this is precisely the point
Rockstar want to bombard people with
trailers and advertisements in the weeks
leading up to the release and maybe
maybe a couple of months leading up to
the release of GTA 6 they don’t want to
put all of their marketing efforts into
a 2-year release cycle because
throughout that period we will become
numb to it that’s why I feel like if we
don’t receive a trailer until maybe may
we shouldn’t be worried but if it gets
to somewhere like June July August maybe
that’s where we start thinking okay the
game is 100% delayed at this point that
would be a fair assumption to make if
we’ve heard nothing towards the middle
of summer but talking about
advertisements I would like to say a
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back to the video so I’ve established
that there’s probably going to be a
longer term marketing cycle for GTA 6
but this longer term marketing cycle is
probably more telling of the nature of
GTA 6 there is of course going to be a
big focus with the online elements into
the game and that’s where Rockstar are
really going to be putting their
marketing efforts in we can see it with
GTA 5 GTA 5 there was a huge marketing
push prior to the release of the game
there was a bit of a marketing push for
the year following and then they were
kind of quiet for a couple of years
whilst working on the PC version of the
game there wasn’t a lot of movement from
Rockstar in terms of news other than
Community beneficial things like merch
and events and stuff like that I’m
expecting with GTA 6 we’re not going to
start experiencing their full Wrath of
marketing until GTA online is available
and out that’s where Rockstar will
really start driving home their new
events for GTA online V2 and they’ll
start really marketing to us all the
expected features that we can see in GTA
Online so hopefully that helps you guys
understand how the marketing cycle for
GTA 6 looks like it’s going to be
different for this time up until this
point we hadn’t had anything from T to
interactive to confirm that this is what
they’re going to do but of course
drawing their own cool they spoke about
it and they confirmed it so we all know
by now that PlayStation Network went
down for about 19 or so hours and this
is not really something that’s that
important in terms of the grand scheme
of things PlayStation Network goes down
occasionally the same things happen with
other consoles networks as well they
sometimes go down and we move on but the
problem is getting more and more serious
every time this happens now don’t get me
wrong no one’s injured everyone’s
survived everyone’s good but as someone
that pays for PlayStation Network and
plays on my PlayStation I kind of like
now this is a hot take I like being able
to play the games that I bought I know
radical but this is a sign of the times
of things that’s coming a lot of games
now are moving to online only models and
this has been one of the biggest
criticisms that we’ve seen of games like
the new skate game many of their
interviews they’ mentioned that the game
is predominantly going to be focused on
an online model which means that when
stuff like this happens people can’t
play now I’m not saying for one second
that being down for 20 minutes here or
there is going to be the end of the
world it’s not and I think we should not
kid ourselves and say it’s extremely
problematic as outside of gaming we all
do other stuff too but this whole
concept of us not owning anything we buy
and whatever we buy then being hosted
online it makes me a bit uncomfortable
and the weird part about all of this is
even the games that aren’t fully online
still need an internet connection a
prime example of GTA 5 I went to go and
play through the story cuz obviously I
couldn’t get into online and it said
that I needed to do an update to
continue playing the story and it said
it was just general security fixes and
stuff like that absolutely fine but I
couldn’t even access PlayStation Network
to make these little changes and to do
this little update so I tried Red Dead
Redemption 2 and it was exactly the same
what I ended up doing is actually
playing Vice City Stories on PSP for a
few hours and I enjoyed it I enjoyed the
fact that I wasn’t getting notifications
of friends being online I enjoyed the
fact that I wasn’t getting pings about
needing to do updates on games or that a
new update of a game is just installed I
like the fact that I was totally
disconnected from the internet and just
for the love of games playing games with
new games now slowly but surely becoming
more online based and it becoming more
important to be chronically online with
everything we do it stared to set a
concerning precedent of where the future
of gaming is going and this is one of
the things that kind of worries me a
little bit about GTA 6 I’m 99% sure that
there’ll be an offline story mode as
Rockstar have done in the past but
there’s still that part of my brain
that’s a little bit concerned that
Rockstar are going to go the direction
of the rest of the gaming industry and
build a game that’s constantly online
and the story takes place in online
because GTA online has a form of story
to it well not really but they have
sections of missions that have Cuts
scenes Etc that take place in an online
world and I’m worried that that could be
a direction that maybe Rockstar may go
now I’m hoping they don’t and I’m 99%
sure that they won’t do that but the
warry is still there and it’s not
something they should really think about
we should be able to buy a game the
internet be down and still chill and
play our games now in May of last year I
moved to my current house where I am now
and recently we’ve had a lot of issues
over the past kind of seven or so months
of the internet going down it has been
really really bad in total I think
there’s about 25 occasions where we lost
internet on one occasion we lost
internet and electricity for 3 Days
luckily I had a lot of portable chargers
and different ways that I could game and
do stuff and charge my phone and wasn’t
really a massive deal but because my
local network was out phone signal was
also down as well and every time I tried
to play a game on my phone or do
something I needed an internet
connection now in a world where handheld
gaming consoles are coming back into
fashion and they’re becoming more
popular and people are wanting to use
them more why are we constantly needing
the benefits of playing online for these
consoles now handh houss of course we
like to play online I use my PS portal
all the time for something that I
thought would maybe be a useless
purchase purch has actually been the
most useful purchase I’ve made recently
but this whole concept of constantly
being chronically online and games
console manufacturers and developers
taking advantage of the fact that an
active online user base is valuable for
investors means that we’re constantly
becoming victim to a thing that
technically speaking we’re causing
because active online players is a
metric that now investors care about
they don’t care how many people bought a
game so much it’s more about how many
people constantly are online playing the
game that’s why for example Rockstar
advertise their 200 million active
online users because this for them is
what encourages investment because for
example if a million people buy a game
there is no way to measure how engaged
they are of that game or How likely they
are to buy the next iteration however if
you can measure how many people are
constantly playing those games online
that gives investors a really good scope
of what the interest would be for a next
title which then of course helps the
Investment Portfolio and then there’s
the other side of it where you being
online there’s many opportunities for
games developers to work alongside
stores and networks like PlayStation
store to upsell you microtransactions to
encourage you to spend money with Sony
Microsoft Etc on in-game currency now
like I said at the start of the video
this isn’t the end of the world and it’s
not the biggest issue to face Humanity I
know that I’m not going to Kid myself
and pretend like this is a bigger
problem than it really is of course it
isn’t and of course for 99.9% of the
time we can look past these issues but I
won’t accept that this is what it is on
so many different occasions now people
have petitioned they’ve been very vocal
in the communities about the fact that
we just want to play some games and a
story mode should never need to be
online obviously playing online with
your friends needs to be online no one’s
complaining about that but playing a
story mode you shouldn’t need an
internet connection to access that and
also more to the point doing security
updates when you don’t have access to a
network is a little bit pointless for
example in this instance of me needing
to download a security update for GTA 5
for the past couple of days it’s been a
long time since I played the story to me
felt a little bit weird needing to
connect to PlayStation Network whilst
technically having security breach in
the game made no sense they should do
what they did with the PlayStation 4
which is where you can open the game you
can play the game but you can’t log into
PlayStation Network unless you do the
relevant Updates this is how it worked
for the Playstation 3 and the
PlayStation 4 and the early PlayStation
5es but in the past couple of years
they’ve changed this to where you can’t
even open the game at all unless you do
those updates first and this is really
problematic this is probably one of the
most anti-consumer things that Sony have
done and I’m not sure whether this is
Sony’s decision or a legislation that
came into effect at some point in time
that we’re not aware of but the whole
idea that your games constantly need to
be 100% up to date to play them is
really anti-consumer because of course
games being out of dat allows people to
exploit them you can create mods you can
create cool stuff and I still have a
PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation 4 on the
original firmware because my plan in the
future is to modb for those consoles but
with them creating updates that require
you to be constantly updated to even
touch your games is a worrying sign of
the times and things to come Keen to
hear what you guys think about this down
below what games do you play that
require you to constantly be online that
shouldn’t require you to be online and
also more to the point how do we fix
this and how do we address this let me
know in the comments down below thank
you so much for watching and I’ll see
you all in the next video
this is the best
Watch the video here: