so in GTA 6 it looks like we have a new
police AI system and in this video
hopefully I can break it down a little
bit and explain some of the points that
I noticed from the leaks we had back in
2022 now in this video I am going to be
talking about the leaks so if you don’t
want any spoilers from the game of
course don’t watch this video because I
am going to be diving into some of the
information that we saw within the leaks
I’ve also recreated some screenshots
from these leaks with AI therefore I’m
not infringing on anyone’s copyright and
my channel won’t get deleted probably so
the primary basis for this video and a
topic I really do want to cover is that
one scene in a place called Hank waffle
Diner essentially Jason and Lucia rob a
diner and this is where we can start to
see some of the information about how
the police system in GTA 6 will work so
in the scene where Jason and Lucia are
robbing this Diner there’s a meter at
the top of the screen that basically
counts down from end to end and it says
time until cops dispatched this is
something that’s very new for the Grand
Theft daughter franchise usually when
you commit a crime you’re immediately
wanted you’ll either have one star two
star three Stars four stars or five
stars and six stars we missed that bring
that back please but the usual methods
of being wanted in GTA have never been
realistic or believable to any extent
this time until cops dispatched meter on
the top of the screen shows that they
definitely putting more emphasis on
realism in the sense that when you
commit a crime there has to be Witnesses
people have to call the police people
have to report the crime and police have
to have time to dispatch officers to the
location and this is definitely an
advancement way past what GTA 5 has been
doing last night I did a live stream and
you can see that when I enter the
airport I immediately get a wanted level
despite there being no Witnesses despite
no one being around to know of
trespassed and this takes away all
strategy to sneaking into places
committing crimes on the slide and
trying to get away with some of the
crimes that you could potentially commit
in the game losing all elements of
strategy makes the game feel weak it
makes the game feel like there’s only
one outcome for all of the actions you
can possibly commit with this witness
system and time until cops dispatch
system this allows you to really get
creative with the way you commit your
crime basically how far can I go without
getting a wanted level and draing this
process of Jason Lua robbing the diner
they’re given options like robbing
people that are sat down eating food in
the diner they’re given the options of
pushing the cashiers to give the money
faster there’s many different moving
elements that come into small scale
robberies in the game and the fact that
you can really dictate how this robbery
takes place and the various different
actions you commit whilst doing the
robbery really does mean that we’re very
likely to get some very interesting
moments during these robberies
especially when it comes to like
creating content on YouTube of course
for me that’s a focus and it’s really
nice to be able to see that like I can
do a mission and potentially have a
slightly different outcome from someone
else that does the same video it’s
really cool now this meter at the top of
the screen that says time until cops
dispatched as it counts down it will
eventually go red and get to zero at
this point it flashes blue and red and
says cops arriving and as it’s doing
this you can hear the cops arriving
outside you can hear the doors opening
you can hear them getting out and
shouting now if this was GTA 5 you do a
crime the cops would be there within 3
seconds seconds and you’re just here
shooting as they try and shoot you
through the glass but in GTA 6 this
doesn’t happen even though Lucia is in
direct line of sight with a lot of these
police officers they can see through the
glass directly where she’s standing they
don’t immediately start shooting they
just start shouting demands and ordering
her to come outside now it’s at this
point where Lucia gets a little pop off
in the middle of the screen and it says
R1 and police which basically means
there’s an interaction menu for the
police now at no point drawing this
footage does the developer actually push
R1 so we can see what the options are
but I think B from what we’ve seen from
Red Dead Redemption 2 they will probably
give her the option to surrender or to
hand herself in or something like that
there’ll basically be an interaction
option where maybe she can communicate
with the police look at the police
surrender to the police or something
like that because this R1 button appears
next to Lucia on the screen the whole
duration of the police being present at
the scene now it’s worth saying at this
point Lucia doesn’t have a wanted level
yet because at the end of the day Lucia
and Jason aren’t wanted the police have
been called to an altercation at a
location but they don’t know who it is
Lucia herself isn’t wanted there’s a
connection to a crime at a location
which is a very realistic way of
implementing a police system into the
game because at the end of the day until
they see Lu’s face and can identify her
they don’t know that it is her and when
Lucia shoots someone she shoots one of
the hostages in the diner that’s when
she immediately gets a two star wanted
level but even at this point even being
in direct line of sight for the police
they don’t start shooting at her just
yet the only time Luccia is actually
shot at is when she walks outside of the
diner and the police are present in
front of her they fire one shot at her
then they say to her last chance don’t
move inferring that potentially we may
have the option to still surrender at
that point and avoid ourselves getting
totally annihilated Lucia then walks
around to the passenger door of a cop
car she jumps in she crawls across the
seats into the driver’s seat and Jason
gets in the passenger door now during
this whole process Lucia’s only been
shot at twice only two bullets have been
fired towards Lucia even as she starts
driving away she’s still not being shot
at but what does happen as she starts
driving away from the scene in The
Stolen police car on the top right hand
side of the screen we of course have the
Wanted Level which is two stars but
underneath the two stars it says full
vehicle description which infers the
fact that the police have identified
what vehicle she’s in and the fact that
vehicle descriptions and vehicle
identity is an important part to how
police locate you and identify you
within the game now of course we’re
jumping to conclusions here with the
information we have available but it
would look like we are given the option
to change vehicle or potentially by
changing vehicle modifying your car or
changing number plates maybe you’re less
identifiable in the game this is very
similar to the sort of system we had in
Red Dead Redemption 2 where after wore a
mask or he didn’t wear a mask he could
be identified based on his appearance
and identity now of course in GTA 6 that
identification system is carried over to
vehicles and it seems way more
believable so overall my general
thoughts on the new police system that
we have within GTA 6 is that it’s
focused more around the capture ideology
rather than shoot to kill the whole
point is is the police want to capture
you rather than just kill you now
there’s many jokes to be made about real
life but it is very similar to real life
in the sense that the police want to
arrest you book you and put put you
behind bars rather than just shoot to
kill at every single opportunity I think
it’s really interesting how the whole
self-preservation mechanic within GTA 6
is going to be way more prevalent than
it was in GTA 5 in GTA 5 you get shot
you die you immediately respawn at the
hospital when you carry on with your
missions it feels like there’s more
ramifications and consequences in GTA 6
for example if you die in the game maybe
your money gets taken off you maybe when
you’re revived in the hospital you do go
to jail or your health stats are
permanently damaged for a certain period
of time maybe there’s more consequences
for being captured or killed in GTA 6 we
of course already know in story mode
there’s going to be some emphasis on
Prison especially for luciia whether
that’s a recurring theme throughout the
game where you can actually get
imprisoned for your crimes that would be
very interesting and I do think that
would be kind of cool and add a sense of
immersion but also every time you get
caught for a crime you really want to be
in jail now of course as we hear more
information and have more news from
Rockstar about this police system when
we have a bit more information we can of
course jump to more conclusions and come
up with more theories about how it would
be implemented in the game but
everything we’ve seen so far from the
leaks is absolutely incredible and that
was all pre-alpha testing so I’m very
excited to what we’re going to see in
the final game before I close out this
video this video was actually filmed in
2024 there’s a few videos that were
taken down due to copyright claims from
audio and there’s also a few videos that
I naturally just deleted cuz I didn’t
feel were as relevant if you want me to
repost some of these pieces of content
but also update some parts of the
content to include new information we
have now please make sure to let me me
know to be honest I think there’s only
about three or four or so videos but
yeah but if you think you’ve seen this
video before you probably haven’t it was
only on I think about a th000 or so
views but yeah let me know thank you for
watching and I’ll see you all in the
next one
this is
Watch the video here: