
a former Rockstar Games employee just
revealed his thoughts on some things
regarding Grand Theft Auto 6 and then
something interesting happened we’ll be
talking about all that and more in this
video today so let’s get it started so
the ex Rockstar Games employee we’re
talking about today is Mike York and he
has since left Rockstar Games but he
actually did an interview with kiwi
talks a YouTube channel that essentially
interviews game developers and kiwi said
new podcast out now with Mike York we
talk about the culture Rockstar working
on Red Dead Redemption 2 the combat
system he pushed for GTA 5 his thoughts
on Grand Theft da 6 the Houser brothers
and more and what’s very interesting as
we sort of talk about what he had to say
is as things currently stand the podcast
has actually been removed this is an
update from kiwi unfortunately at the
request of Mike I have had to take down
my latest interviews apologies everyone
I will have an awesome podcast guest
next week though so watch this space so
that is very interesting and what’s even
more interesting is Mike told him to
take it down even though he agreed to
the interview so it begs the question
did he share too much and realize it did
someone from Rockstar reach out to him
and say hey you can’t be talking about
that sort of stuff and they made him end
up taking it down or request it to be
taken down that’s what makes the entire
thing interesting but I want to actually
dive into what he had to say about Grand
Theft autter 6 so he was essentially
asked if the game is going to shoot for
30 FPS or 60 FPS on console and he said
I don’t know if they’re going to be able
to pull off 60 FPS I don’t think so I
think they’re going to be shooting for
30 and a locked 30 meaning it never dips
below that they’re going to try to
optimize it as much as they can to
wherever it never goes below 30 but it
can be bumped to 40 41 52 whatever and I
bet you like later once it’s on PC it’ll
probably get super optimized and changed
and new graphics cards that come out and
you’ll be able to run it at 60 FPS all
the time so honestly this should not
come totally as a surprise pretty much
every single Rockstar game title that’s
released on day one on the consoles runs
at 30 FPS it’s what Red Dead Redemption
did it’s what Grand Theft Auto 5 did and
given what we’ve seen in the GTA 6
trailer getting a stable 30fps does
sound like it would be a technological
Miracle now he goes on to say this I
don’t think the initial release will
come out at 60 FPS unless it’s getting
those 60 FPS by using an AI upscaler
thing like the PlayStation is doing
unless something is coming in and
helping it get those 60fps I don’t think
it’ll get the 60fps raw out of the gate
on a base PS5 console for instance maybe
PS5 Pro or whatever but I still don’t
think so now it is important to note
that Mike York has not worked at
Rockstar since
2017 although he did do a lot of work on
GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 and
there was a good chance there was some
initial work that was starting on Grand
Theft Auto 6 over there he goes on to
say this I don’t know what they’re doing
over there I don’t know how massive this
is going to be but from my experience
they’re going to squeeze every little
freaking thing they can out of it and
optimize later for 60 frames because
it’s not as important as just making the
game amazing at 30 frames and I think
that last statement is important
Rockstar doesn’t want to sacrifice all
the things they want to put into the
game just so that they can get to 60 FPS
on day one that’s never something
they’ve done again Red Dead Redemption 2
GTA 5 Red Dead Redemption GTA 4 all of
them started at 30 FPS probably for a
reason because Rockstar is always
pushing the technical and graphical
limits of the consoles that they put
their games out on now it does beg the
question what caused this podcast to be
removed was it him talking about Grand
Theft Auto 6 and his thoughts on how
it’s ultimately going to run I don’t
really think that’s the case uh again
just going off of the description
unfortunately I didn’t get to listen to
the entire podcast but they did talk
about the Hower brothers and the culture
at Rockstar so maybe that sort of stuff
was what caused it to be taken down I’m
really not too sure if we will get a
clear answer here but for now we do know
like everyone probably expects on day
one it’s going to be 30 FPS that’s what
Rockstar is going to be going for which
I know for me is always a little bit
hard to get used to because for the most
part you’re always always playing games
at 60 FPS if not higher and then when
you jump back to a rockstar title on day
one going back to 30 FPS it’s like man
this feels a little bit strange but then
I think we all get used to it and
obviously the more you play with it but
yeah let me know what you guys think in
those comments down below do you think
GTA 6 is going to run at 30 FPS Better
or Worse somewhere in the middle do you
think that it will be 30 FPS on bass
consoles do you think like the
PlayStation 5 Pro or whatever the next
version of the Xbox is going to be able
to get it up higher do you think will
only be reserved for PC let me know what
you think in those comments down below
and so now really all we can do is wait
to hear from Rockstar Games next and it
could be over the next 24 hours or so
that we finally do get some sort of
confirmation of what they’re up to next
we probably are months away from being
able to determine whether or not it’s
going to run at either 30 FPS or 60 FPS
but tomorrow is January 31st it’s the
last day of the month obviously and this
is traditionally when Rockstar have made
their announcements on what they plan to
do with their games that are coming out
this year whether they’re going to be
delayed or whether they’re going to have
their release date finalized they did
this with Grand Theft Auto 5 Red Dead
Redemption 2 GTA 4 max pain 3 all of
those announcements with the exception
of one which happened on February 1st
occurred at the end of the month and
this of course is perfect timing because
it happens right before take two
interactive’s earnings call happening on
February uary 6th at 4:30 p.m. eastern
time so we could really be 24 hours away
until we hear from Rockstar Games next
and honestly the stars are lining up
because Friday is the perfect day for
Rockstar to make their announcements
it’s what they’ve done traditionally for
almost all GTA 6 news that they’ve ended
up putting out like for example the
community update that they put out in
2022 that was done on a Friday on
December 1st 2023 when Rockstar Games
announced that the GTA 6 trailer was is
going to be coming out a couple of days
later on December 5th 2023 that was also
on a Friday so Rockstar love Fridays for
their announcements it happens to align
up perfectly with the patterns and the
history that they’ve done over their
last couple of game releases and over
the last couple of years so tomorrow
really could look like the day and
they’ve sort of cleared the way with a
bunch of other announcements that they
seemingly got out of the way the last
couple of days like for example it’s
been a pretty standard week on Tuesday
January 28th they talked about the
current Red Dead online bonuses that are
going on right now that’s something we
typically see on a Tuesday just the
other day on Wednesday we saw Rockstar
wishing everyone around the world a
happy Lunar New Year posting a handful
of different artworks and pictures and
all the different rewards that we would
get by participating in all the
different things that Rockstar Games has
going on again they showed off some
pretty cool pictures right there and
today they gave us a new GTA online
event week which again has to do with a
typical set of bonuses and rewards that
they hand out so it’s a pretty standard
week which is good because it kind of
clears the way for potentially tomorrow
being that day in which Rockstar makes
some sort of announcements so I’m going
to keep my eyes and ears peeled and even
though Rockstar Games in the past have
made major announcements on weekends I
just don’t expect them to do something
like this this time around especially
with Grand Theft Auto 6 so tomorrow is
really a day I’m going to circle on the
calendar I think many people are
circling it on the calendar as well so
let me know what you think in those
comments down below do you think over
the next 24 hours based on Rockstar’s
history uh will we get some GTA 6 news
and info or do you think they’ll save it
for later next week possibly right
before the earnings call or even on the
day of the earnings call let me know
what you guys think in those comments
down below I’d love to hear from you
guys down there if you guys did go on to
enjoy this video though a like rating
would of course be awesome and be sure
to subscribe to my YouTube channel if
you are new you want to stay up to date
on all the GTA 6 videos that I’ll be
doing here on my channel and be sure to
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videos arrive but of course as always
guys thank you all so much for watching
take care and I’ll see you guys in the
next video

Watch the video here: