
we just got some great news on Grand
Theft Auto 6 and the craziest part about
it all is it was said on live television
we’ll be talking about what was said and
more all in this video today so this
happened because of take two
interactives earnings call that happened
last Thursday on February 6 at 4:30 p.m.
eastern time and alongside that earnings
call comes with CEO of take two
interactive and chairman Strauss zelnick
doing a handful of various interviews
and in this instance actually going on
live television it was the American sort
of investing money news station CNBC and
he did an interview where they asked him
a bunch of questions and he talked
specifically about Grand Theft Auto 6
and on that call we got a little bit of
good news I’m going to play the clip for
you guys right now and we’ll take a look
at it and we’ll talk about it after
welcome back everybody shares a video
game maker take to interactive surging
at the end of last week the company came
out with earnings and reiterated its
guidance saying that grand theft Auto 6
is still on track to launch this fall
joining us right now is Strauss zelick
he’s the chairman and CEO of take to
interactive and Strauss it it was great
news on the earnings you you had a
smaller than expected loss but I think
the reason the stock took off is because
you said you know Grand Theft Auto 6 is
still on track and that not only is
great news for your company it’s in
comparison to what we’ve seen from a lot
of your competitors too um where do
things stand what’s going on well what
Rockstar Games puts into all of their
titles is a desire for Creative
Perfection which is why it takes a long
time and why it’s complex and of course
nervous making you know we don’t claim
success till it occurs you’re right
Grand Theft Auto 5 has been the standard
Bearer not just for our company but for
the industry over three generations it’s
now sold in over 210 million units which
is extraordinary uh Grant Theft Auto 6 I
what can I say there’s enormous
anticipation both inside our company and
in the marketplace as a whole uh we
couldn’t be more excited I’m I’m looking
at the graphics right now I mean this is
so different than when Grand Theft Auto
1 came out um how much of this is AI and
what can we do just in terms of where AI
stands in the industry right now well
we’ve been using digital tools since the
very beginning so I would say the
interactive entertainment business is is
a an innovator within what people call
AI now uh and I don’t doubt that we’ll
continue to innovate I I I think it’s
worth noting though that the the genius
is human and the tools may be digital
but the creative genius is human so
again regarding Grand Theft AO 6 he said
what Rockstar Games puts into all their
titles is a desire for Creative
Perfection he’s used that word in the
past which is why it takes a long time
why it’s complex nervous making we don’t
claim success before it occurs GTA 6
what I can say enormous anticipation
both inside our company and in the
marketplace as a whole we couldn’t be
more excited so obviously it doesn’t
reveal like hey it’s coming out on
October 29th 2025 but he does again
continue to double down you know talking
about his excitement about Grand Theft
Auto 6 and also explaining why it’s
probably taken so long that these games
are complex and that Rockstar obviously
seeks Perfection now a little bit later
on on that call he essentially defended
Grand Theft Auto 6 as well as video
games like Grand Theft Auto as a whole
because the interviewers asked him how
violence in video games influences real
world Behavior especially in a world
with increasingly realistic Graphics I
mean you heard the interviewer there
talking about how good the graphics look
and talking a little bit about AI as a
whole and stra Sonic did a really good
job of shutting that down I’ll leave a
link to the entire interview in the
description if you guys are interested
but this essentially continues The
Narrative that Strauss has had from that
earnings call to the interviews he’s
done in fact Ben or video Tech on social
media actually summed it up quite well
uh that this seems like a different
Strauss zelck this time around because
one of the things they mentioned on that
call was that take to interactive stock
price had reached an all-time high and
that was because of what they said on
that earnings call and Ben or vide Tech
summed this up well saying if Strauss
didn’t feel confident enough for the
game to make it this year I strongly
doubt he would go on big press tours and
still double down on the release during
his recent management statements it’s a
very risky move to mislead investors the
fact that he’s doubling down is very
positive take two is confident it’s
coming this year and again if you just
go back to the way Strauss zelnick was
talking on the call as well as the
statements he were made they were
similar but again going back to what Ben
said they were more confident in him
addressing when Grand Theft outter 6 was
going to be coming out it just felt
different this time around and again
it’ll be interesting to see of course
when we hear from Rockstar Games next we
don’t know when that is going to be it
really feels like they’ve missed every
perfect opportunity so who knows what
their plan is this time around but we
did end up hearing more from take two
interactive CEO Strauss zelck it took me
a while to comb through all the
different interviews that he actually
did and he did another one with the
website variety and he gave some again
positive reassurances on GTA 6’s release
date so variety asked him if Grand Theft
Auto 6 was still on track for fall 2025
and straic said this we’ve announced a
pretty narrow window so I think our view
is that right now that’s fine and then
going on to say then when it’s
appropriate of course Rockstar is going
to have more to say which that line
right there is obviously very
frustrating when is it appropriate it
feels pretty appropriate right now I
mean they’ve gone going on 14 15 months
without saying anything what do they
seem to be waiting for that that of
course is something that Strauss zelick
did not reveal now Strauss zelnick also
did another interview with IGN where he
essentially believes Grand Theft a 6 is
going to cause a massive influx of
people buying console sales in 2025 and
his response also kind of revealed that
eventually of course I know this is
obvious that GTA 6 will indeed be coming
to PC this is what he said so with
civilization 7 it’s available on console
and PC and switch right away with
regards to others in our lineup we don’t
always go across all platforms
simultaneously historically Rockstar
started with some platforms and then
historically moved to other platforms
now zelnick went on to point to the PC
platform as growing in importance even
as console sales Fall while Publishers
wait for Sony and Microsoft’s next move
saying we have seen PC become a much
more important part of what used to be a
console business and I wouldn’t be
surprised to see that Trend continue of
course there will be a new console gen
eration and in any case according to
zelnick the release of GTA 6 is expected
to be the biggest entertainment launch
of all time and will drive console sales
as fans jump into the current generation
for the first time in order to play the
game saying when you have a big title in
the market and we have many of them
coming historically that is sold
consoles and I think that will happen
this year I don’t think tariffs are
going to be our friend but I think there
will be a meaningful uptick in console
sales in calendar 2025 because of the
release schedule not just coming from us
but coming from others so I’m not
concerned about that uh regarding
console sales folling I think the trend
that you’d want to focus on is the
increasing share of the market and that
is reflected in PC so once again take to
CEO St selck giving us some pretty big
confidence with the interviews that he’s
been doing with the media his
appearances on television which is
pretty cool and I think that’s all that
I was able to find from all the
different Publications and I don’t think
he’s going to do any more TV interviews
and certainly we’ve gathered all the
information from the call so honestly
now it’s just looking at our watches and
waiting for Rockstar to make their next
move when that will be I’m not sure but
at least we’ve gotten some good news
that things seem to still be on track
for early fall 2025 but anyways let me
know what you guys think in those
comments down below of Strauss zick’s
comments on TV on interviews do you see
this is good news bad news somewhere in
between let me know what you’re thinking
in those comments down below I’d love to
hear from you guys down there if you
guys did go on and enjoy this video
though I’ll like would of course be
awesome and be sure to subscribe to my
YouTube channel if you are new you want
to stay up to date on all the GTA 6
videos that I’ll be doing here on my
channel and be sure to ring that
notification Bell as well sometimes
YouTube just doesn’t work and if you
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videos arrive but of course as always
guys thank you all so much for watching
take care and I’ll see you guys in the
next video

Watch the video here: