when it comes to GTA every new
installment has delivered some
groundbreaking features and improvements
but let’s be honest Rockstar has also
left behind some things that defined the
series for so many of us with GTA 6 on
the horizon hopefully this year there’s
a real chance to bring back some of
those forgotten features that could make
the game a true Masterpiece from Iconic
mechanics to small details that added so
much depth and fun here are 16 features
Rockstar simply must revive or improve
let’s talk about something that will hit
home for a lot of us cheat codes I mean
cheat codes were basically part of the
GTA DNA everyone who played San Andreas
back in the day probably had a scrap of
paper lying around with all the best
cheats scribbled on it we’d huddle
around the console quickly typing them
into spawn tanks make cars fly or just
go on a wild Rampage with infinite ammo
and honestly those cheat codes became a
language of their own I bet most of you
still remember ham without even thinking
about it money Health armor and a car
repair allinone it was the ultimate
cheat but here’s the problem if I asked
you to name just one cheat from GTA 5
you’d probably have to think about it
for a minute that’s because cheat codes
have slowly faded away from being the
core fun mechanic they once were I mean
sure they’re still there in GTA 5 but
let’s be real they don’t hit the same it
feels like Rockstar doesn’t care about
them anymore it’s like they’re an
afterthought just thrown in for
Nostalgia or something next up and I’m
pretty sure most of you forgot about
this one is the ability to pick up and
throw stuff in GTA 4 that was just crazy
to be real when I first played the game
I didn’t even realize how much fun that
was I thought it’s probably just for
this one Mission and then didn’t really
use it but now whenever I jump back into
GTA 4 there’s no way I’m walking past a
brick without picking it up and chucking
it at someone’s head it’s such a simple
thing but it makes a big difference
whether it’s throwing a bottle at some
random NPC or smashing a window with a
brick it felt like you could really mess
with the world in a way that was just
plain fun it wasn’t all about just
shooting or driving you could actually
pick up stuff around you and use it to
cause chaos it sucks that this feature
didn’t make it into GTA 5 imagine how
much fun we’d have in GTA online but
yeah I guess that’s one of those things
Rockstar decided to leave behind then
there’s something I really miss safe
houses with more of a purpose and let’s
skip GTA online for this one because I’m
talking about the main game here
seriously I miss being able to own
multiple properties scattered all over
the map back in San Andreas it was fun
to switch things up every now and then
moving from one spot to another there
was something cool about having
different places to crash in different
parts of the city you’d finish up a
mission on one side of the map and
instead of just driving back to the same
old house every time you could head to
your spot in the countryside or maybe
one of your pads in the city it made the
world feel bigger like you really had
your own Little Empire going in GTA 5
sure you’ve got a house or two but it
doesn’t feel the same I miss that
flexibility of being able to pick where
you want to live and making it feel like
it’s actually yours not just a
background set piece it’s like they cut
back on that freedom and it’s one of
those little things I wish wish they
kept from the older games most of the
features we’re talking about come from
San Andreas and this one’s no different
multiple fighting styles I don’t know
who had the genius idea to add different
fighting styles like boxing Kung Fu and
more but it was absolutely brilliant it
gave combat a fun unique feel and you
could mix things up depending on what
style you wanted to master now don’t get
me wrong the fighting system in GTA 4
was solid it felt more realistic sure
but I still kind of missed that variety
from San Andreas and let’s not even get
started on GTA 5’s fighting system I
mean it’s probably one of the weakest
we’ve seen in the series the punches
feel weak and the fights are over before
they even start it’s like every NPC
folds after one punch where’s the
challenge in that what we need are
proper fights where the NPC doesn’t drop
after the first swing it’s honestly
annoying how fragile pedestrians are in
five I’d love to see a return to more
Dynamic combat where you could Brawl for
a bit and actually feel like you’re in a
fight not just knocking out NPCs with a
light tap let’s talk about vigilante
paramedic and firefighter missions
because honestly GTA in the 3D era was
ahead of its time nowadays roleplay is
the norm especially with how popular
it’s become online through 5m servers
people are playing out entire lives in
GTA from Cops to paramedics and
everything in between but here’s the
thing over 20 years ago we already had a
taste of single player roleplay built
right into the game back in the day you
could hop into a police car an ambulance
or a firetruck and boom you’re suddenly
taking on the role of a vigilante
paramedic or firefighter these Miss gave
us something extra to do outside of the
main storyline and it was so cool to
switch things up and dive into these
roles even in GTA 4 Rockstar kept things
interesting with those vigilante police
missions and let’s not forget the police
computer you could chase down criminals
track suspects and really feel like you
were playing as a cop but then in GTA 5
all of that got left behind those
missions just disappeared it’s crazy to
think that Rockstar who pretty much
pioneered single player roleplay in GTA
slow phased it out with each new game
and now if you want to get that kind of
experience you have to go online don’t
get me wrong the online stuff is great
but I kind of miss having those options
in the main game itself it feels like
they abandoned a concept that was ahead
of its time and now it’s only coming
back because the community pushed for it
and while we’re on the topic does anyone
even remember the hidden bus driver side
mission in Vice City that’s one of those
things that I feel like only the
hardcore fans remember you couldn’t just
grab any bus either it had to be the
coach it it was such a random low-key
Mission but once you figured it out it
was actually pretty fun driving around
and getting some money for that it’s
stuff like this that gave those older
games so much charm Rockstar threw in
all these little side activities that
you could completely Miss if you weren’t
paying attention in Vice City being a
bus driver wasn’t even a big part of the
game but it was there waiting for those
who wanted to take a break from the
chaos and just do something different
more Gore is next on the list and I
honestly don’t know what happened back
in the 3D era we had exploding heads
from sniper shots and way more intense
brutality overall but somewhere along
the line GTA started toning it down it’s
like Rockstar decided to pull back on
the gore and to this day I still wonder
why I mean Red Dead Redemption 2 proved
that the studio can still deliver when
it comes to those intense visceral
moments the gore in that game was insane
limbs flying brutal gunshots all the
little details that made combat feel raw
and real so if they still have the skill
to do that what happened with GTA why
did they shy away from it in the newer
games maybe GTA 6 will bring back some
of that over-the-top Gore but who knows
it just feels weird that something that
was once a big part of the series got
scaled back sure the games are still
violent but they’re missing that extra
Edge that made the action feel more
impactful next up being able to jump
towards a wall and grab onto it I know
it might sound a bit silly but honestly
more parkour means more fun and freedom
in this case we’re not even going that
far back because let’s be real the 3D
era was pretty limited when it came to
movement the best game from that era was
San Andreas where climbing really stood
out especially in that mission with site
where you had to drive around the city
covering up bis graffiti also I bet a
lot of you remember the crazy parkour
and freerun mods that blew up for San
Andreas about 10 to 15 years ago those
were wild times and the creativity of
the modding Community was just next
level but going back to the base game
what Rockstar pulled off in GTA 4 was on
another level thanks to the Euphoria
ragd doll system we could really do some
cool stuff climbing buildings
interacting with the environment mment
in ways that just felt super fluid no
mods needed it’s a real shame that this
feature didn’t fully carry over to GTA 5
I missed that freedom to just scale a
building or jump around with that ragd
doll system the gang wars and Jet
packing down into a gang war with my Uzi
blazing that’s another thing on the list
San Andreas absolutely nailed this sure
it could get a bit annoying when you’d
already hit 100% game completion and yet
random gangs kept attacking your
territories forcing you to haul ass from
one side of the map to the other just to
defend your turf but honestly the gang
wars and territorial control were some
of the most memorable features in the
game it’s a shame Rockstar dropped this
concept in the later games GTA 5 in many
ways felt like a spiritual successor to
San Andreas so you’d think they’d bring
it back but they didn’t sure you could
roll into ballast territory and start a
shootout but it had zero impact on the
game there was no real sense of fighting
for control or Defending Your Turf I
don’t know if it’s just me but I feel
like it’s a huge missed opportunity and
while we’re on the topic we can’t forget
about recruiting home in San Andreas
being able to roll with your crew and
have them back you up during police
chases or gang shootouts was such a cool
feature it felt great knowing you
weren’t going into battle alone top-
down camera this was like a tribute to
the early GTA games and honestly it was
a fun little feature to mess around with
from time to time the last time we saw
it officially was in GTA 3 it wasn’t
something you’d use all the time but it
was a cool throwback to the original
games and it added some variety when you
wanted to switch things up thanks to
mods I’ve been able to play GTA 4 and
five in top down mode and honestly it’s
way more fun than you’d think it’s
perfect for those moments when you’ve
done everything there is to do in the
game and just want to screw around plus
it gives you that retro GTA feel which
is a nice change of pace from the usual
third person action I’ve always wondered
why Rockstar dropped this feature
especially since it seems like such a
simple thing to implement I mean if
modders can do it why couldn’t they just
keep it as an option in the newer games
now here’s something that probably 90%
of you don’t even remember the
flamethrower how could they get rid of
such an awesome weapon in GTA I mean I
spent most of my time in Vice City with
a flamethrower in hand setting
everything around me on fire it was pure
chaos but in the best way possible sure
you had your guns and explosives but
there was something satisfying about
watching the flame spread and enemies
running for their lives it was a weapon
that felt different from everything else
and it was perfect for causing Mayhem in
a way that only GTA could deliver it’s
crazy to think that Rockstar just
decided to drop it in the later games
all right if you you ever played GTA 4
I’m almost certain you tried the
glitched swing set at least once it was
one of those hilarious glitches that
almost felt like Rockstar left it in the
game on purpose just for the fun of it
you drive any car up to a swing set and
next thing you know it would go haywire
and launch you across the map at
ridiculous speeds it was pure chaos and
it never stopped being funny no matter
how many times you did it people spent
hours just messing around with that
swing set seeing how far they could get
launched or what crazy stunts they could
pull off midair the best part is it felt
like one of those secret things everyone
knew about but wasn’t really part of the
main game it was just there waiting to
be discovered and it became a core
memory for anyone who played GTA 4 back
in the day now what’s funny is that GTA
5 had something similar the gate glitch
though it wasn’t as iconic as the swing
set all right I know the video title
says features but we’re about to talk
about something big stories and of
course I’m talking about GTA Vice City
Stories and Liberty City Stories now I
got got to ask how could Rockstar mess
this up so badly I’m not talking about
the games themselves they were great for
what they were but the way they were
released that was a straightup disaster
I mean seriously making prequels to Vice
City and GTA 3 and then not releasing
them on PC what were they even thinking
sure most of their sales probably came
from consoles but come on by leaving PC
out they totally shut the door on a huge
part of their fan base for the longest
time I couldn’t even play these games
because like many of you I didn’t own a
console and it’s not just me when people
talk about the GTA series everyone
mentions the trilogy GTA 4 GTA 5 and now
GTA 6 but honestly I feel like Liberty
City and vice city stories and even
Chinatown Wars are just kind of
Forgotten they sit on the sidelines
because Rockstar didn’t give them the
same level of attention and part of that
is because they skipped over such an
important audience PC players and don’t
even get me started on how Rockstar
treats PC players in general it’s like
they have zero respect for us they
didn’t give us Red Dead Redemption for
14 years the original RDR was out there
available on consoles but if you were a
PC player too bad it wasn’t until
recently that they even announced its
release on Modern platforms and I’m
still out here wondering why it took
them this long it feels like Rockstar
sees PC players as an afterthought we
didn’t get RDR we didn’t get the stories
games and honestly it just feels like
we’re constantly left out of the loop
but I’m not going to sit here and keep
ranting about Rockstar instead I’ve got
a question for you what feature made you
go damn I totally forgot about that and
are there any other forgotten features
that come to mind let me know in the
comments down below because I’m sure
there’s a ton more that I didn’t even
touch on
Watch the video here: